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Understanding Minimalism and Minimalist Better

  • Posted by Solomo Mamo
  • December 2, 2014 6:17 PM PST
Possessions are temporary and mostly not needed. Learn to live with less. Don’t stock up because everything will be on sale again. Tina, from

The term minimalism is generally used in the visual art and music. It is a style which involves the use of pared-down elements and design. The first use of the term was for music, to describe the composition of the popular painter, Kasimir Malevich in 1913. In the visual arts, it began after the World War II, around 1960 to 1970.

On the other hand, for minimalists, the term minimalism is described differently. For them, it is an instrument to rid oneself of the excesses of life and focus only on important things to find contentment, happiness, and freedom.

To be a minimalist, one must practice simple living. It is getting rid of things that are not really necessary in life such as cars, gadgets, vacation houses, and so on. For some people, to be a minimalist requires one to own less than 100 things and consider only those that are important. For example, you can own a house but not necessarily big and luxurious. Your room only has the most important things in it such as your bed and a bookshelf – no television, air conditioner, wall clock or any other decorations. Not even your window has a curtain.

Most people refuse to be a minimalist because they think that living as one is boring. Well, that is the common misconception, but believe it or not, that would not be the case if you decide to become a minimalist. In fact your life will be more meaningful because you are going to be more focused with your goals. Anyway, one does not necessarily have to have the most expensive things to pursue an ambition. It is actually the motivation within which helps one achieve his dreams. This is what minimalism is all about. This is how people should think of it.

Minimalists believe that minimalism is a tool which can greatly help an individual find freedom. It helps fight fear. It helps fight guilt. It helps one to:

  • Focus on more important things such as family and health
  • Pursue his passions
  • Discover his missions
  • Grow as an individual
  • Rid himself of material things
  • Eliminate insecurity and discontent
  • Consume less but produce more

You do not necessarily need to live a boring life to become a minimalist. In fact, there are minimalists that excel well in their chosen fields such as Collin Wright, who enjoys traveling around the world but owns only 51 things in total, and Leo Babauta who is married with six children living happily in their small house in San Francisco.

To become a minimalist, you should be self-driven. Admittedly, it is not easy especially during the first stages of the transformation. However, as you continue to go further, you will find it getting easier and more rewarding. To become a minimalist, you have to be prepared for the changes in your mindset, habits, and actions. There are minimalists who offer a free advice on this matter. You may wish to talk to them to make your transformation easier.



Solomon M