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  • Topic: One24 and Mark Seyforth

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    • August 31, 2010 2:00 AM PDT
    • One24 and Mark Seyforth

      I received info on the soon to launch company One24 and did some research online.

      I've noticed that there is a ton of hype about founder Mark Seyforth being involved somehow with the launch and growth of Herbalife - this seems to be part of the the One24 talking points - but I can't find a single piece of information substantiating that factoid.

      One video goes so far as to say that Mark Seyforth wrote the comp plan for Herbalife.

      Other marketing articles say "He  is also the same guy who built a 100 million dollar company while he was still in his 20?s."  I love when these articles make huge claims but never name the company. ( I think I'm going to change my bio to say I wrote the original code for the NASA moon launches, and founded a small country in Africa )

      Has anyone contacted Herbalife to ask their public relations department if they have a comment on the use of their name as such an integral part of the One24 marketing campaign, and if it is factually correct?

      Also looking for a better explanation of the Green Ticket system and the 'waiting list'. Is there any purpose for the waiting list, other than to generate a false sense of urgency about enrolling?


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