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  • Topic: Review of Asea

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    • November 16, 2010 11:46 PM PST
    • Review of Asea

      Hey guys.

      According to my research, Asea was founded by Verdis Norton and James G. Pack and is a direct marketing company based in Salt Lake City Utah. They produce supplements that are more or less based chemically on 16 year old scientific data. Collected by a group of medical professionals, engineers and researchers. The company provides the opportunity to sell its products and become involved with its compensation plan and the opportunity to make money.

      The company manufactures and distributes a Nutritional supplement that uses antioxidants known to fight off disease and slow down the aging process. The product contains two reactive elements which help deflect free radicals from attacking the body and its immune system. According to Asea: While one is responsible for activating antioxidants, fighting free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, the other aids in intra- and inter-cellular damage control communications, cellular protection and aids in boosting the healing response. Asea presents its product at workers and athletes in particular, due to an athlete's understanding that a small increase in their ability to perform or recover can essentially make the difference in reaching their goals.

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