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    • June 20, 2011 10:30 PM PDT
    • Robert Kiyosaki Network Marketing

      In the world of business, there are various names and individuals, some are legends that have left their mark. They aren't all positive mind you, but significant none the less. This is a world that encompasses motivational speakers, investors, and in some cases visionaries. Robert Kiyosaki happens to be among the most famous names in regard to business philosophy, and looking at money in such a way as to exclude a "lack" mentality. Robert Kiyosaki is famous as a self-help author, an investor, and a motivational speaker. His most famous work is a motivational book series called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Three of his books have simultaneously been among the top 10 best-seller lists according to The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today. Kiyosaki's work has been a staple among many entrepreneurs and even parents wishing to instill better money management skills in their children. Its only natural that he would eventually take notice of the ever evolving world of Network Marketing and apply his insight to those involved.

      Robert Kiyosaki had a way of referring to various financial positions as "Quadrants", referring to his book "Cashflow Quadrant". When referring to Network Marketing, he expressed that the goal in Network Marketing is to help yourself get to the B side of the quadrant, while then focusing on getting others to the B side of the quadrant, hence the result would be that you're successful in your business. The concept is actually quite simple, almost obviously so, but his emphasis helping the other person get there is the intriguing part. Its a relatively strong contrast in comparison to most bits of mlm advice that very potently focus on the self. By ensuring the success of those under you, you certainly ensure the success of yourself. By applying your energy and focus in the right areas, you can basically ensure success, where as so many people are so focused on surviving, they create a struggle for themselves, with little to no thought about where the best area of focus is (the success of those you have recruited).

      Kiyosaki also emphasizes the use of creating assets, instead of using money in such a way that it expires and never becomes a factor in generating more.

      For more information about Robert Kiyosaki, you can visit his web site, which explains what his books are about.


    • June 25, 2011 8:17 AM PDT
    • Robert Kiyosaki Network Marketing

      I'm familiar with Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich dad, Poor dad, and I have to tell you I strongly disagree with his philosophy, and I find it to be pretty risky and dangerous to be honest. First of all, if you had a teenager and she was going to use her credit card on something because she just lost her job and knew she wouldn't have money for awhile, would you suggest she buy big since she was going to be in debt anyway? Of course not, no responsible parent would, but breaking down much of his philosophy seems like it comes down to that kind of simplicity. He even seems to suggest that its morally acceptable to use friends or "insiders" to assist you in making stock decisions, and I don't mean the kind of advice that you might get from an analyst, I mean the kind that Martha Stewart got. When asked how much money he has, he has given several different answers in several different publications, and that alone troubles me. Why would I want to further this man's profits by purchasing a book that gives seemingly bad advice? Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert with money, my avatar is proof of that, but I am a pretty thrifty saver and I have a decent enough nest egg to fall bag on if need be, but I find after having read his book that he likes to load a few simple concepts in a cloud of financial verbosity. The concepts he does introduce are capable of getting one thrown in jail. Those are just my opinions anyway, if anyone can better explain to me what he is all about than what I got from his book I'll be more than happy to listen.

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