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    • April 21, 2011 1:26 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Consultant


      As some of you know I've been super successful since I have become a Tastefully Simple consultant, and I couldn't possibly be happier. I know there are a ton of reps out there that post to try to pull you in, but I'm writing this because when I first started coming to these forums, I really didn't know much about mlm companies, and I had never even heard of Tastefully Simple. As I started reading some of the stuff from Watchdog, Wallace, and many other posters I began to think: "sheesh, I could do that!" So I started looking at different companies, most of them were interesting, but there were plenty of them that I couldn't relate to. One thing I really appreciated and wanted to expand my repertoire was cooking, so I looked at any company that dealt with food, and found Tastefully Simple. I know this is sounding like a testimonial where I tell you how I was "just like you" peeping around, and made the best decision of my life and all that, which may be true, but I'm actually going to focus on how it is being a Tastefully Simple consultant.

      To get the obvious out of the way, I love it, and yeah, you should join. Now, before getting involved with any mlm company, there are some basic rules that I would follow if I were to ever do this again starting from scratch. So let it be known that no mlm is a miracle money maker, that isn't realistic. Let me tell you, you have to WORK, but if you're the right kind of person, its sooooo much fun!

      The things you need to go over are:

      a) The compensation plan. What does it entail? Does it suit my financial structure, can I build efficiently off it?

      b) The policies and procedures - Is the product and system attractive to recruits? How much do I need in sales, and can I handle that? Is there a renewal rate?

      c) What is my demographic? Is my area of sales completely saturated? Do I know a lot of people I could potentially introduce this to? When I run out of my main source, where will I go next?

      These are all important questions no matter what mlm you choose, and they are pretty basic, but for many beginners they are so in love with the idea of it being easy that they completely over look them. With that out of the way, here is what life has been like for me as a Tastefully Simple consultant.

      I apologize for giving you all the basics, but for those who were like me not even 6 months ago, I want to explain that Tastefully Simple consultants host Tastefully Simple parties, distribute catalogues, free samples, and recruit new individuals to the company. You get involved by either going to their web site, or by contacting a company consultant who will answer questions and explain the steps involved in the process of selling Tastefully Simple merchandise. Tastefully Simple provides new peeps with their own brand of benefits, along with the starter kit. I don't know how often the kit or the plan is updated, but so far the rules haven't changed for the time I've been with them. I got a choice between the "Just a Taste" business Kit which will supply you for two parties, and the "Business Blast Off" Kit, which will keep you supplied for four. My fiancee was a sweetheart and paid for me to get option 2, which cost him $170.00. The other kit is only $89, and looking back, I barely used half of my package for my first four parties, so I recommend the cheaper option, its more than enough. They both basically include products, samples, documentation, and information. I currently earn up to 30% commission on all of my sales, and that alone has brought us in a ton of money.

      Its pretty simple (no pun intended) lol.




    • May 20, 2011 1:10 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Consultant

      Lol, I really appreciate your posts Irataages, you are pretty much always positive, and have made a seriously wise choice, as I remember when you first came and wanted to try taking on an mlm. Now look at you all tricked out and "pimpin" Tastefully Simple style lol :P I'm happy for you that you got off the ground so successfully. I have felt pretty good about Tastefully Simple since I first read about them. There is a very easy to understand comp plan, a decent product line, and a market to appeal to. They are also easy to research, easy to contact, and have a good reputation. About the only complaint I have ever heard is that there are a lot of consultants and they tend to have to compete with each other. I guess ultimately, that is a good thing and not something to complain about. Keep us updated and let us know how you're doing. Its refreshing to hear of the success of real people, and not repdroids.

    • May 21, 2011 1:05 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Consultant

      Agreed! Nice going Irataages...

      Do you by chance live in a big city? I can't tell you how much I wish I had more people to sit down with. I live in a pretty remote area and it seems like every month I'm having to travel further and further just to do any live discussions. I've recently decided to focus solely online because I'm reaching commuting barriers with a vehicle I don't want to abuse, gas prices and time. I love what I do, but Isagenix can sometimes be a hard product to sell to the older folks, especially country older folks. I'm dealing with a few generations that still think colds come from not dressing warm, and cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. Not to mention older folks don't appreciate shakes. I do good in the city but I'm really starting to crack down and develop some Internet skills, because that's where the money is.

    • May 24, 2011 5:10 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Consultant

      Hi, hi! guys!

      Things are going super awesome. I love Tastefully Simple, and its hardly felt like any work at all, but it has come at a price, and that is school. I have officially put all my academics on hold because I don't have enough time to maintain my network and attend school at the same time, I tried but my grades steeply declined. My income is slowly growing and there is substantial increase every month. I am pretty much making money circulating across 4 cities and talking and making new friends. I make more money than my fiancee but he doesn't mind at all :-p. I can definitely see where reps can lose themselves in the business and start sounding like "repdroids" Wallace lol, its actually really hard to stop thinking about it because you never go home so to speak. I find when I am in the backyard sipping on a chai tea I am thinking about clients and trying to remember appointments etc, but its still sooooooooo much better than working a normal 9-5.

      Jacob, the Internet thing is something I've been getting some help with, and I'm only in the beginning stages but some good friends of mine have promised me it will nearly double my income relatively quickly after initiating it. If things really pick up I could even hire someone to do some small maintenance so I don't have to. The possibilities are endless and I have been enjoying this so much its another reason why school didn't appeal to me much anymore. Where do you live Jacob downs south or out west? I have an aunt that grew up in Goodsprings, Nevada and she said you could go weeks at a time without a single car going down the main road. I can't imagine trying to sell in an environment like that but if I had to, I'd totally take advantage of the Internet. Thank you for the support guys, wishing you both well!!!

    • May 25, 2011 3:56 AM PDT
    • Tastefully Simple Consultant

      I hear you on the school thing, I haven't bothered in over a year, I'm not sure why. Maybe I just needed a break after 3 years of full time school. The cycle of paying hundreds of dollars on books, classes, worrying about credits, thinking about what kind of education would be practical financially compared to what I actually enjoy learning etc.....I needed a rest. Just recently I began getting an unusual interest in geology so I'm going to take that one course and see how I like it. I give you tons of credit for doing what your doing because I don't think I'm social enough to recruit, sell, and maintain a network of clients. I'm not socially aggressive, which seems to be the kind of person that really succeeds in this kind of endeavor. Good luck getting situated online, I have a good friend of mine that runs a few popular web sites and they are a ton of work, but very lucrative. I'm always paying attention to how he does things so if I ever start one of my own I get an idea of what is effective and what isn't. I still have a strong side to me that looks at different mlms and gets interested, but somehow none of them are appealing enough to go through with it. As for Jacob, good luck man, online is the way to go, I bet you'll see a huge impact if you push hard enough, and it will overcome the whole low population thing.

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