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    • June 2, 2011 6:21 AM PDT
    • The Amazon Herb Company

      Hello to all of you, I am interested in your opinions regarding an organic mlm company I've recently come across known as Amazon Herb Company. In my experience there haven't been too many opportunities that would allow individuals like me to participate in an mlm organization. I am a consumer of strictly organic products ranging from the food I consume, to the clothes that I wear, and even things such as toothpaste, laundry detergent and many other products. Not long ago I was hoping I found my dream company in an mlm company known as Organic Acres, unfortunately it fell short of the quality standards that we all expect from any kind of service that we pay for, especially the delivery of our food.

      Since then, I have researched a few different mlm companies that could fit into my chosen lifestyle and knowing that there are many experts here who might be able to help me with my decision, I was hoping to get some thoughts from other forum members regarding Amazon Herb Company. I deeply value any company that truly cares about being certified as a fair trade company, I wanted to find a company that works along side the indigenous people of the rainforests, who contributes to their community, and to their lives, and not just as an employer of harvesters. There are many indigenous tribes throughout the Peruvian rainforests. These are people with firsthand knowledge of where to find remote herbs, spices and medicinally valuable extracts that we often take for granted.

      As a culture we have come to rely on this knowledge in order to help sustain the quality living conditions that we enjoy, but take for granted each and every day. According to my research, Amazon Herb Company has found a way to bring these people as much in return, as they have given of themselves. Many of these contributions include projects and support, assistance in granting land rights, communications equipment, such as solar powered radio cells, water filtration systems, boats, motors, irrigation technology, and even radio programming designed with native culture in mind. In addition, it is suggested that Amazon Herb Company has also given medical supplies, herbs not native to Peru, and the ability to trade hand crafted items with peoples they might normally not have access to.

      Although even I find myself slightly bored with this particular type of product line, they have some truly amazing product ideas that I believe would be very beneficial to many of us here in large cities, especially in areas with little to no sun light. One product offering is called "Camu Gold" which is described as a certified concentrate of the Camu Camu berry which is known for containing a very powerful blend of nutrients that have an unusually noticeable "lifting" effect on your mood while also giving you a burst of energy. It's also worth pointing out that the Camu Camu berry is actually the most potent source of vitamin C in the world.

      The product goes for around $30, though I have no knowledge of what it tastes like, or how effective it is, I'm excited to know that there is something I think might be potentially worthwhile, and something I might be able to get involved with. I want to point out that Amazon Herb Company makes much more than that product, they also make Tea, Energy shakes, fiber, and a few other great looking products. The main concern for me was that they were not exploiting the Peruvian natives, and to the best of my ability, all research shows that they are actually doing quite a bit for them.

      I really don't understand compensation plans, so I was hoping someone here with a kind heart could maybe tell me what they think of this company from a business standpoint and let me know if its a safe bet for me to consider getting involved? I would deeply appreciate it!

    • June 3, 2011 3:44 AM PDT
    • The Amazon Herb Company

      Hello to you Gingerleaf.

      It is a pleasure for me to read your wonderful post, and to introduce your company for us to learn about. I have had this discussion many times with my American friends, as well as with others from India, and there is a balance of individuals who feel that corporate presence in 3rd world countries has both negative and positive effects. In the case of the Amazon, I think many of the indigenous peoples have had bad experiences with pharmaceutical companies. I'm certain that homes were lost, land has been stolen or ruined. In some cases it is possible that cultures have been tainted with drug related problems and other more Western cultural norms. There is however the other side of the argument, in which making contact and employing tribes gives them the opportunity to excel and learn sciences, to evolve into what many of us consider a "higher quality" of life. If that means teaching medicine, math, science and agriculture, then it is very possible that companies such as Amazon Herb Company are blessings, and leaving a better world behind.

      In Africa, many Western companies employ poverty to strip mines for diamonds under terrible conditions. In the Amazon, tribes are destroyed, and forests are destroyed in an attempt at accessing mass amounts of medicinal growth. I am to be a very optimistic spirit and hope that there are good companies willing to give as much as they get to the beautiful people they meet in other parts of the world. In my home town of Panaji, I remember as a boy companies that came to help us with our water. Schools were opened which I was able to attend, and often our grandparents resented these companies because they were employing Indian men, many of whom were changing religious beliefs, speaking English, and abandoning very old ways. So they had much resentment, but no longer were many of the children drinking from the river, or begging on the streets, and we were all very eager to work.

      It is my hope that Amazon Herb Company offers the same improvements to a culture, but it is also important that we not assume any culture different from ours is in need of such improvements. Technology is not in and of itself an improvement, if the populace no longer enjoys the same life they lived before. To do my best to help you Ginger, I couldn't comment on this company as an investment because there is no information about what they have to offer, but if company is truly doing what they say that have done for these native tribes, then it is a safe bet to assume they will be fair, and certainly not a scam. One must be cautious however of public relations, because as we all know that company image is always under the brightest of lights, and sweeping what is ugly beneath the carpet. There can only be so many sources available to you when seeking the truth. I hope I have helped you.


    • June 12, 2011 1:54 PM PDT
    • The Amazon Herb Company

      Hi Gingerleaf. I was introduced to Camu Gold in January of this year. (By the way, it has a tart taste to it.) I spend 90% of the year traveling, domestic and  international, and have never experienced a fruit like the Camu camu berry. The Camu Gold has improved my energy level and the ability to mentally focus, even on days when I've had to endure the 13 hour flight from Detroit to Tokyo! I stopped taking other synthetic OTC immune boosters, and for the first time in 6 years, I didn't have as much as a case of the sniffles this winter/spring.

      As for the ethics of the company, Amazon Herb was founded by "Amazon" John Easterling 21 years ago. He has been a tireless advocate of the indigenous tribes and has helped to represent many of them in land-rights negotiations. Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society recently released a PBS documentary showcasing Amazon Herb Company and calling it 'the strongest testament that keeping the forest alive and productive is more economically profitable than cutting it down.' Amazon John also established ACEER-The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research.

      Having experienced my own positive results with the products, and understanding the amazing Global vision of the company, I became an Associate last month. I took the time to visit the home office in Jupiter, FL and can tell you they walk the talk. Their focus on the Global vision is what set them apart from other opportunities for me and I found a great resonance with them.

      Have a look at this link to get a better picture of the company and the vision. After exploring that page, if you'd like to continue this discussion, please contact me through . Thanks for your post!

    • June 6, 2011 2:16 AM PDT
    • The Amazon Herb Company

      Hey guys, this is actually a really cool looking company, although I'm pressed to find a ton of people that have experience with it on the internet. There is a lot of good stuff people have to say, and virtually no scam reports. If people at home are as happy with it as they seem to be, then Its a good indicator that people in the jungle are too. Robert Butwin is in the company, and he seems to have a really good reputation as a solid leader and a good guy. I can't say much else as I really don't know anything about them, but when it comes to companies like this, no bad news is good news lol


    • June 19, 2011 10:58 PM PDT
    • The Amazon Herb Company

      Very cool, I hope we see alot more activity from these guys in the future and that they continue to deliver such a legitimate and interesting effort. We need more of this in the direct marketing world.

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