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    • March 8, 2010 11:59 AM PST
    • Vemma THIRST

      Another new product from Vemma:

      Performance Is Everything

      Vemma THIRST is specifically engineered for athletes of all ages, from children to professionals, who are serious about their hydration, sustaining their workouts, help protecting their bodies and enhancing their health.* This nourishing sports drink alternative is also beneficial for anyone who needs to rehydrate in hot climates or high altitudes.

      Healthy Hydration

      Now you can get all the benefits of hydration without the undesirable ingredients found in other sports drinks, like over-abundant sweeteners and artificial coloring. A delicious, healthy beverage, Vemma THIRST harnesses the nutritional attributes of the mangosteen — a rare Asian superfruit that supplies some of the highest quantities of phytonutrient-rich xanthones found in nature. Whether you're running a marathon or pushing a stroller, power your daily activity with Vemma THIRST. Available in a convenient, portable packet, Vemma THIRST can be activated with water for healthy hydration anytime, anywhere.

    • March 8, 2010 10:30 PM PST
    • Vemma THIRST

      I have to admit, I am fairly impressed about the money back empty packet guarantee, though I feel a $70 price tag seems fairly high for a nutritional drink that allots me 30 beverage packets, even if the ingredients are somewhat exotic. The Vemma THIRST web site suggests 1-3 servings per day, but for the average consumer, even drinking one a day at 70 dollars per month doesn't seem like a very sustainable nutritional choice, not to mention for larger families with even 2-3 adults or teens, let alone children. I think the product does sound very good, especially with low sugar and no artificial sweeteners etc, but from a marketing standpoint, I can't help but question the longevity of this product when considering the cost. Are there any plans on releasing a more cost effective version, or perhaps a boost in quantity? I can see athletes purchasing this, but even families that are particularly well off financially don't seem likely to continue the product for very long. Of course this is all under the assumption that its marketing target is the mainstream consumer, otherwise I can see specific types of consumers being very happy with the product.

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