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  • Topic: Why all the Secrecy at Orovo?

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    • April 20, 2008 4:36 AM PDT
    • Why all the Secrecy at Orovo?

      I've just had the weirdest experience while trying to do some due diligence about Orovo.

      I couldn't find any info on the executive team. That's usually a big red flag. I looked on Npros, and the company info says that Orovo denies requests for info on the owners and executives.  So I tried myself. I went to the online 'chat' function they have on the Orovo site, and asked for the names of the owners, or president, or CEO.

      The rep who was responding said "We are not allowed to give out that info for privacy reasons".  I've never ever experienced that before.

      So I started digging. I did searches and came up with related info, Garrett Devore, and Y Min Kim as the registrants of the Brand Name "Orovo".

      Then I Googled "Garret Devore" and wow. Not so pretty.

      Then, weirder, I noticed that one of the websites heavily promoting Orovo is Sybervision. And the name attached is Steve Devore. When I emailed Steve Devore about the reviews, and asked if he knew who the management team or owners were of Orovo, he had "No idea".

      Can anyone comment on this? Does anyone have an inside scoop on Orovo, Steve Devore, Garrett Devore, or the company products?  is there a specific reason why they would be reluctant to make this info public?


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