Forums MLM Reviews Carbon Copy Pro Reviews
  • Topic: Carbon Copy Pro Review

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    • October 22, 2010 12:02 AM PDT
    • Carbon Copy Pro Review

      Carbon Copy Pro has been around since 2007, and while not an MLM company, it has been deemed a scam by many, yet praised by others. The company produces an entire package designed to help entrepreneurs market their products online. The system was originally developed by Jay Kubassek to market wealth masters international home business opportunity. Not the most "liked" company ever to operate, but it certainly became popular that's for sure.

      CCP is said to do all the work saving members from having to advertise or call leads, by automatically utilizing a call center which gets in touch with leads and closes the deals. It seems that paying an application fee isn't necessary simply because detailed information is already available simply by typing Carbon Copy Pro into Google.

      It should be noted, while more my opinion than anything I can verify as facts; I have seen a great deal of Internet reviews regarding Carbon Copy Pro which seem to start out with a somewhat neutral/negative take on the company, then as you read through the entire review, it seems to almost turn into a Carbon Copy Pro advertisement. I can speculate as to whether or not this was simply a sales rep trying to slip the desired opinion into the reader's mind, or I can take it at face value. I am leaning a bit more toward the articles being a clever way to advertise personally, after having read 3 reviews that both started and ended in the same contradicting way.

      To be fair however, I am not inclined to say that Carbon Copy Pro is a scam. I just don't see the symptoms of a scam as those one might observe in a company like TVI Express. It seems to be a legitimate opportunity to make money, although I am not so sure how effective it really is trying to reach its potential 250k a year.

      Fresh entrepreneurs are pre-screened with an application process which includes a fee of $39.95. The package includes the educational "Inside Out" DVD, workbook and downloadable files that provide important information designed to promote a more successful attempt at marketing your company.

      In addition, there is also the hefty purchase of their "Black Box" package which costs $395.00. That's right, nearly $400 a set-up guide, a step-by-step Marketing guide, a large glossary of terms, a FAQ's pamphlet, planner, instructions, a virtual back office program, complete with a professional call center and an interactive learning area. I personally fail to see why all of that comes at a price of nearly $400 when most of the information included is readily available, but at least its all in one bundle.

      Carbon Copy Pro's compensation plan is somewhat difficult to get direct information on from the company itself, but the Internet reveals that they somewhat resemble the ones found in the real-estate industry. Your sales numbers are combined with those made by your team members and each individual has to put in 100% in order to make a decent profit. All sales made by a member of your team will help earn commission.

      So, you decide, yay or nay?

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