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    • January 13, 2010 4:44 AM PST
    • CieAura

      I am completely skeptical about this company and their claims.

      I would like to do a double blind test with a new patch and a 'used' patch which in theory would no longer be effective.

      But even simpler would be to have the company simply show some technique for measuring that a chip is active or used.

      I made this request via the CieAura chat server, because I was unable to reach anyone at their office after repeated attemps. ( It goes to a voicemail system every time ).

      My Simple Challenge to CieAura

      Send me two batches of chips. I will pay for them. I will use 1 batch. The other will be applied but immediately removed. According to the documentation on the CieAura site "The activation does not start a "timer" -- the chips only deplete based upon continuous exposure to the human body’s own energy field."

      According to the service rep via chat, the company has special machines to detect  chips are live.

      JT: Can the company tell a live chip from a used chip? Is there any device to measure if its still good?
      CieAura Agent 1: Yes, our developer use special machines to ensure the chips are live before they are shipped out.
      JT: what kind of special machines? what is actually detectable about the live chip?
      CieAura Agent 1: This information is not available to customers and retailers

      Based on this, they should have no trouble correctly identifying the used/depleted chips from the live chips.

      I don't personally believe it can be done, because I don't believe there is anything in the chip that is depleted by contact with the human body's electrical field. 

      They promised me that a supervisor would get back to me about reuqesting a test. 

      Does anyone have access to the patent application to review the vibratec 'science' behind the chip?

    • January 13, 2010 6:46 AM PST
    • CieAura

      I generally consider myself to be an open minded individual, and I would certainly make any attempt at trying to give anything like this a fair chance; however, I am very troubled by excerpts such as this;

      "Our Holographic Chips use a combination of tones, colors, signs, symbols and essences or aroma that when placed along sensitive acupuncture meridian points, affect positive health responses.".

      I have no problem envisioning a future in which science uses things like vibration, sound, or any other manipulation of the human body or it's magnetic field, as that may very well be the kinds of things we see in the next century. What I find a deal breaker for me in terms of taking this company seriously is when it claims that "signs", "symbols", or colors are even incorporated into the product at all.

      What I feel at this point is that a company is using technical jargon to sell me what amounts to"magical" patches, and I just don't feel with what we have been provided; it deserves much credibility.

    • January 14, 2010 9:48 PM PST
    • CieAura

      wow, the information posted here on Repspace about CieAura is astounding.  Their product sounds like it is as useful as the mood ring, or pet rock...

      How do people come up with this stuff and how do they figure your average person isn't going to immediately believe it is a scam.  I try very hard to keep an open mind too but sometimes it's extremely difficult.


    • February 17, 2010 12:40 AM PST
    • CieAura

      Yes it's  SCAM!

      Ex LifeWaver Ken Rasner trying to make more money than he could in LifeWave SCAM.

      Do you remember the Smogbuster discs?


    • February 22, 2010 9:43 AM PST
    • CieAura

      CieAura update!

      Hey it looks like ken has disabled his www.harmonic fm site.  I wonder if if he plans on putting up some more realistic photos of someone elses laboratory since his own technology doesn't exist. I'm confident cieaura will never respond to your question about how to detect a live chip from a used chip. I thank you all for exposing CieAura.

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