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    • April 23, 2011 3:05 AM PDT
    • Creative Memories Consultant

      For it seems we now enter a new time, beyond the feelings of shadowy death that accompany ones thoughts about mlm companies. A time where the mlm concept is gaining more acceptance among the mainstream legions of people, some of which are natural associates looking for a company to work for. Among this new generation of more reputable companies is Creative Memories, a company that I don't consider to be a gold mine exactly, but one that proves to offer you a much more stable opportunity than the many other mlm assassins waiting to strike at the heart of your wallet.

      Among all of these companies, are the legions of sales warriors, the troopers all scrambling to earn money, and overcome their competition. Juice sellers, shake vendors, cosmetic peddlers and even magical bracelet reps. It doesn't take long before you see enough frauds to lose a bit of faith in mlm companies as a whole. Well, Creative Memories has been added to the list of legitimacy, and while it may not be for everyone, it is one that I believe deserves a look for anyone interested in becoming a consultant.

      Of the general multitude of ways for a company to spread its advertising online, through flyers, and the rare television infomercial, Creative Memories uses the most tradition ninjutsu tactic of all; the use of sales associates, that are known in their world, as Creative Memories Consultants. How do they differ from other sales associates from other clans? Well, they don't really. Creative Memories Consultants are individuals that host Creative Memories parties, and as many of you know, any mlm host or hostess is basically a person that distributes catalogues, samples, and recruits new members to join the company.

      In order to become a Creative Memories Consultant, you must infiltrate their army of foot soldiers. How you ask? Simple, just contact one and ask them to meet with or talk to you. Once you have managed this, they will answer questions and explain the steps involved in the process of selling Creative Memories merchandise. The company gives new consultants a series of benefits like any other company, which includes bonuses and discounts, and of course, the right to sell its products and recruit while getting a small percentage of the price. You will also receive the starter kit which comes at a cost of $50 and provides information on how to host sales parties.

      There is also the $39.95 storybook coupon code that comes via email which is designed to help promote your business. The actual sales percentage amounts to a 30% discount on product collections, which can be utilized by buying your own and reselling at retail prices, although this works well only if you are capable of giving a good demonstration, more than once, and you have access to large crowds, perhaps like a flea market. You can also earn a flat 30-50 percent commission on everything sold, in addition to your discounts along with rewards and incentives. I am not a Creative Memories Consultant, but I can appreciate what they have to offer for those willing to do the work.

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