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    • March 25, 2011 2:05 AM PDT
    • Creative Memories Digital Center

      So I had my first experience with the Creative Memories Digital Center, being the entrepreneur of photo shop and picture editing programs that I am, I was able to get some hands on and thought this would be the perfect place to discuss what I think about it. I'm the first to admit that I am a natural born scrap booker, in fact I'm an addict with a portion of my art studio consisting of countless "works" if you will with nothing but scrap books. I really wanted to get into this program, because it was designed for this specific thing. In case anyone reading this has experienced the delights of Costco, you can see where trying something new was of major interest. The cost ended up evening out,but I figured this was going to be much smoother a process, so I went for it. I spent 2 weeks gathering together and uploading my projects which was over two hundred pictures which I intended to order 2500 4x6 prints of. After all of that hard work and patience siting at my PC, I was finally done!

      I got out my card and proceeded to put in my massive order but to my surprise, Creative Memories could not process my order..... I figured it was just a glitch and proceeded to try several times, which would simply cause my browser to completely close down. So I then took the time to take my order and cut it in half, which was aggravating but necessary, and allowed me to order them which I knew was going to scroodoodle me on shipping charges of course. Oh I had no idea just how bad....My shipments ended up being sent out in 10 packs, and that took my already hefty bill and tripled it. I tried to cancel the whole thing at that point and was unable to reverse the transaction and was then told that was their policy. I have been receiving one package every two weeks and am still waiting for 6 more. The picture quality is about the same as Costco, and didn't live up to all the hype from Creative Memories. I had spent a great deal of money on their products over the past few years and this experience really disappointed me.

      If you look at the Creative Memories web site you can see that it says "Price should only be one reason you pick a photo finisher - quality, convenience, and speed are the reasons that the people who print the most and care about the quality of their prints will prefer the Creative Memories Digital Center." What a slap in the face to read when it was the opposite on all fronts.The quality was mediocre, the shipping cost and speed is atrocious, and I really feel as though the customer service all but told me to *&ck off. I reached the end of my rope when I got an email in error saying that my account would be deleted unless I put in a minimum order by April..what the heck? I didn't send a response,and instead canceled my membership and am in the process of looking for a new company to use for photo services. I am usually never negative, and I try to offer something positive in just about everything I say about a product, but I will never deal with these guys again, and can not express to enough of a degree how bad an experience this was.

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