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    • September 25, 2013 6:00 AM PDT
    • DinarTrade Scam



      It is always interesting to re-visit old threads to see how they pan out.  You can learn a lot by seeing who was right and who was wrong on different subjects like this.  What I don't understand is why DinarTrade was said to be a scam, and how MLM got sprinkled into subject was another mystery for DinarTrade was never an MLM company?


      Whatever one thinks on the subject of the Iraqi Dinar, and here it is a couple years later and Iraq is still in turmoil as I see it.  Why, becasue the obama pulled out our military for political reasons which were against the Generals who knew what would happen if they pulled out.  Sure enough, Iraq has been going back to sectarian violence just as it has existed for centuries.  So much for forcing democracy down the throats of these middle eastern cesspools.


      Simply put, all investments carry risk, and we have all heard the saying, no risk, no reward, so nothing new here, investing in the Iraqi dinar is a personal decision, one I am glad I took back when U.S. invaded Iraq.  Yes, invaded, for this is exactly what was done, all based on supposed inteligence that WMD were being used.  And here we are a decade later and find out that all those WMD gases were simply moved to Syria given our strategies involved wiring our impending invasion to enemy.  And what do we see happening again, the same stupid mistakes which created a multi-billion dollar waste pushing democracy on the middle east.  If it was not so sad, it would be funny.  Einstien said it best, you can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


      Back to original claim that DinarTrade was a scam.  Funny thing, they are still in business after all these years and I know many who have purchased, as well as sold back their dinar as economy has been destroying people due to high umemployment over the last five years.  So as I see it, they are a reputable free enterprise business who sells a product for profit, and buys back product at a profit.  For those who think this is wrong, regardless of the profit spread, then they are clueless about business in general. DinarTrade is a reputable business for past decade, and someday soon those who have purchased from them will thank their lucky stars.


      Iraqi is finally financially sound with announced $80 billion in reserves and poised to announce the restoration rate of forced devaluation imposed by U.S. when they were invaded.  Ten long years I have waiting for this to finally happen, and now with several public announcements that it will happen soon, all we can do is be patient.  I looked at this investment as I look at all investments, what is my goal.  This was always a long term retirement plan strategy to me, so I bought what I could afford and just put it away, out of site, out of mind.  I follow world economics very closely, and as most now see, we are about to see a major worldwide meltdown, and we have seen only the tip of the iceberg, Greece is just first of this house of economic cards to collapse.


      Who will be next?  U.S. is just one of the cards about to fall, when, who knows, but I am leaving my money in Iraq dinar, not the monopoly U.S. dollar. Think U.S. is too big to fail, think again, U.S. already once filled bankruptcy, and it can happen again, and will in my opinion in the next year or so at this rate of trillions of dollars in debt and growing daily.  Once again, it is always interesting to visit old threads, so live and learn is my motto.  We are all in unchartered waters and no one knows what the future holds, but one thing we all know is we as a country are not going in the correct direction, and haven't for decades.  The kick the can down the road economic strategies that have been used for decades does not work, and as a kid, the can eventually is destroyed, just as the U.S. economy will be destroyed because of this out of control government for the congress and senate, not for the people. 


      Success to all,

      This post was edited by M OSullivan at September 25, 2013 6:02 AM PDT ____________________________________




    • September 25, 2013 6:30 AM PDT
    • DinarTrade Scam

      M. Sullivan - when I last checked, was no longer purchasing back the Dinar at all from anyone they sold to. 


      From: Dinar Trade []
      Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:16 PM
      Subject: RE: Sell back Dinars


      We are not currently buying or selling. We are working to brings new opportunities and options to our customers, but I cannot give any specific dates. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for daily rate updates, news and break down of rumors running around the internet.


      Dinar Trade Inc
      Tel:877 770 7660

      Perhaps they are buying them back now, but I stand by my original opinion that the entire dinar trade, regardless of the seller, is a scam. A scam in the sense that it preys on the lottery mentality of people who are pitched the idea that this is going to make them all millionaires, when the only one making any money is the business and owner selling the currency.


      Forbes magazine, definitely a far more authorative source than myself, published an article this month titled "Inside the Dubious Dinar Revaluation Ruse". Swap the word Scam for Ruse and they mirror my opinion.


      Quote "The ruse is simple: Get dinar buyers to believe that the currency will be favorably revalued soon so they can sell their dinars at a huge profit."








    • October 14, 2013 3:32 PM PDT
    • DinarTrade Scam

      I checked, and they are now again actively buying back the Dinar. At far less than when I originally wrote my posts.


      So it looks like the only one who profited was Dinar Trade Inc.


      M. Sullivan, I have an idea - I will sell you a ream of white paper, 500 sheets - each will have "DINAR" laser printed across the top.  I will sell you the ream for...$500 dollars.


      Next year, come back to me, and I will buy it back for ... $400 dollars.  I'll even let you save on shipping and just keep the ream of paper.


      That way, you can get the exactly same experience as all the other Dinar Traders but support the local economy ( and me ) and still end up with a ream of paper you can use to send yourself letters saying "Don't buy into the DINAR SCAM".


    • November 11, 2013 9:45 AM PST
    • DinarTrade Scam

      Funny, usually it is the old toilet paper offer, or wallpaper, but with all the recent public news releases in Iraq, all the doubters will be crying the blues that they didn't put a couple bucks into the Iraqi dinar.  And as to Ali, DinarTrade is still selling and buying dinar, as well as other currencies, so that pretty much dispels the talk about scams.  Yes, there is a spread in all currencies, that is what free capitalistic system is all about, and supply and demand is the other side of the coin, so as with all such long term investment opportunities, the story isn't over.


      What I found most interesting having followed the Iraq fiasco for close to a decade is that they have now announced they have more than $80 Billion in Gold on top of the previously announced $80 Billion in Currency Reserves.  The U.S. would die for $160 Billion in reserves. LOL  So I might take up your offer in U.S. dollars in a year from now. lol Since most of my dinar was acquired direct from Iraq and Jordan for an average of $640. per million dinar, so I am not too worried about how long it will take to be restored to pre-invasion level.  It was always a retirement investment for me, not a get rich quick scam like 95% of programs out there in MLMland.  


      Success to all,

      This post was edited by M OSullivan at November 11, 2013 9:50 AM PST ____________________________________




    • November 12, 2013 10:10 AM PST
    • DinarTrade Scam

      I don't think you can consider buying into the Dinar Trade Scam an investment. It's more like speculation. And the speculation makes no sense if you understand the underlying aspects of the currency valuation.





    • November 6, 2014 4:37 AM PST
    • DinarTrade Scam

      Exactly, as is every investment these days, they are all based on speculation, no one knows for sure if stocks, commodities, gold, silver, or forex is all based on speculation.  You speculate on them rising, or falling if you are shorting the investment, so I don't really see the difference other than your risk tolerance. 

      As we have seen over the years this speculative investment has been only marginally profitable, but never the less, it has gained in value, from the $620.00 per million dinar that I paid to an average $1000.00 in now sells for at numerous dealers.  So my speculative investment has faired better than many other investments have to date, and the dinar has still yet to be restored to its former value, as per the many government officials from CBI had stated many times publically, so what they did not disclose is when or at what rate it would be restored to, only a statement of to former level, which was $3.22 prior to U.S. invasion.

      Are these whacki Iraqi's lying like the U.S. government does on every subject on a regular basis.  We now are seeing billions in bank fines for rigging and fixing the forex market, so do you feel more safe investing in the forex markets knowin git is rigged? Or how about the stock market, driven up by the fed. reserve by manipulating interest rates to an artificial low.  And now we see the dollar being pumped up by more manipulation by putting pressure on Russia and Iran, never mind world economy in shambles, including China which has cooled off from 6% growth to less than half this year.  

      But this is just an example of how the average investor is being screwed, their is no way to invest with confidence in any area, even real estate, for look what happened to real estate values once everyone learned the banks once again were rigging the market along with gov. pressure to hand out mortgage approvals to anyone, while banks were selling these worthless mortgages as if they were gold, and look what happened, the real estate market collapsed, never to regain those losses.  Middle class home owners lost all their equity, never mind those who are under water owing more than their homes are worth to this very day, even with a slight recovery in some areas, none have seen values return to former levels of a decade ago.

      As the above clearly demonstrates, there is no such thing as a sure guaranteed investment, even in a bank where you are lucky to earn 1.5% which inflation has eaten up, never mind dollar deflation until recently in last few months where it is being pumped back up for the final fall.  Now for the real problem we are all about to experience with investing, you cannot trust anyone, certainly not our government, the banks, the commodities, forex, gold and silver, real estate, they are all going to be impacted shortly like never before.  Most are now aware the fed. reserve is not a gov. entity, it is a private bank who has been printing trillions in worthless notes with nothing backing it, nothing but the good faith in the U.S. dollar which has been the worlds reserve currency since 1913.  Here is the real wake up call, the fed. reserve is nothing more than a massive ponzi scheme just like social security is.  The difference is that the fed. reserve has never been audited, the social security has.

      OK, for all you investors, here is how I see things unfolding over the next year.  The House finally passed the bill to audit the fed. reserve, but the Senate has always blocked any such bill to audit the fed.  Now with republicans controlling the House and the Senate, this bill will finally get to be voted on, and I suspect it will pass with flying colors, and if this idiot president tries to veto bill to block it, then the people will know since he is the master of hiding the truth, a pathological liar supreme, and even the masses of asses are starting to figure this out, nothing but liars in Washington, including the federal reserve who is about to screw us all when the truth comes out they don't have a fraction of the gold we have been led to believe is backing the U.S. dollar.

      Here was the tip off most missed about a year ago when Germany requested that their roughly 1500 tons of gold be repatriated to German government.  After all, it was supposedly being held by the fed. reserve for safety given the war time threats at the time.  Guess what, the fed. reserve could not produce even 10% of the Germans gold.  And what was the real tip off, when they did return this small fraction with a promise they would return the balance over the next ten years, 10% each year, they shorted the first commitment, so you have to now wonder if this is why the fed. reserve has resisted any audit from start of fed. reserve for 100 plus years.  Now here is the real tip off for the morons who are clueless about what is going on behind this corrupt government, when Germany did get a few tons returned, it was not the original German gold bars which were all clearly marked as all gold bars are.  Simply put, if you put your 18K gold ring in your banks safe deposit box, and when you wanted it back, someone elses gold ring was returned, and it was only a 10K gold ring, also much smaller than your ring which does not fit you. Is that simple enough for all to understand what has happened. So where did German's gold go?  And why didn't they get original gold bars returned, but were told they had to melt down Gernan bars to check it out for purety.

      Bottom line, for those who do not think all investing is speculative, not just the Iraqi dinar, here is what will happen when the worlds federal reserve bank is audited, they will learn that most of the gold is gone, vanished, or what, we do not know yet, but we will now that republicans control both the House and Senate, so hand on, we will see a world economic collapse like no other.  It is no different than when hundreds of savings and loan banks were taken over when they were no longer solvent, never mind the fed. reserve banks which have failed since, U.S. gov. bailed them out, but with what?  Worthless monopoly money, no gold, just paper which QE infinity covered up this massive fraud by keeping gov. afloat and perpetuating this massive fraud.  And you wonder why most do not trust their governments?  Iraq is the perfect example of just how corrupt the U.S. gov. is, they introduced democracy, and what happened, Iraq Prime Minister Maliki stole billions from Iraq, so they learned well how democracy works, or in this case, does not work.

      So in closing this history lesson of corruption, and once you know what is really going on behind the curtain of governments worldwide, then you will come to same conclusion I have, ALL INVESTMENTS ARE SPECULATIVE, not just the Iraq dinar. In fact, I would bet the Iraq dinar will be one of the strongest currencies in history given the dinar is backed by hard assets, black gold, and gold bars which alone are worth 80 billion.  What is their billions in oil reserves woth, this would be speculative given a new alternative energy source could kill oil, so again, totally speculative as to what Iraq's reserve will be worth in ten years, so for those who want to be informed on what is speculative and what is not, hope you enjoyed the lesson on world corruption.  My advice, the Iraqi dinar is the least speculative investment of all, along with gold and silver which will explode once audit of fed. reserve is released, never mind the U.S. Treasury which has also never been audited.  That will be the final nail in the coffin of U.S. dollar, U.S. stocks, real estate, you name it, all will drop like a rock while inflation explodes, so hang on, don't trust anyone. This is not speculation, this is fact. When the Iraqi dinar does get restored, will it be before U.S. dollar collapse or after? This is the real question which will determine if this investment was speculation or not. PERIOD





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