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  • Topic: EIRO Research Closes Its Doors

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    • April 6, 2011 12:31 AM PDT
    • EIRO Research Closes Its Doors

      Well, it has to be said, and it kind of came out of nowhere, an MLM company we never really covered ended up going down. This is a rare case in which I feel kind of bad for the reps, because they had no time to really prep, and the product had a good presentation and looked like it might have been legit, well maybe..With the industry raking in billions of dollars, I'm surprised any health and wellness company can stay floating longer than 10 minutes. Point being that I don't understand why people starting a company bother with it, because nothing you can come up with at this point is going to impress anyone when the market is literally saturated. Eiro was heavy on person to person recruiting, but in my short time researching MLMs, I've learned that it isn't the best way to go about it anymore, those days are over. Now is the time to operate online, where everyone's attention is most of the time.

      I feel a little soft toward EIRO reps, I think mostly because these guys were the ones you heard mostly good things about. I can't say whether the products were great or not, but the reputation was pretty solid, and these guys were like you and I just trying to make a living and do better in life. No one at EIRO made a call, or posted a press release, or sent out personal emails, instead, they all logged in the web site expecting business as usual, only to find a digital pink slip. That sucks, and I hope the majority of them find something better, something with value that lasts longer, has little competition, and wont fall after a short run.

      So out of curiosity, I went on to their Facebook, and low and behold, not a single word about their closing, so I tried Twitter, and still, nothing there. I though to myself, surely, if I go on to their web site, there must be some word on this, after all, you can't leave all the people on the recruiting/selling drive having no idea that the carpet has just been swiped out from under their feet, with kids to feed, bills to pay and clients to keep their word with....but sure enough, not a single word.

      What the hell is that EIRO?

      I don't get it, why would a company do that?

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