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  • Topic: FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

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    • June 8, 2011 3:43 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      A big shout out to James Douglas, a poster on the forums for contributing this awesome piece of information.

      For those of you keeping up with the Regenerect saga, and for those of you who hadn't heard of Regenerect, its a product that was released by a company called Regeneca. Regeneca is a health and wellness mlm company that began marketing Regenerect as an all natural erectile booster. The product was very expensive, and came labeled as not containing any unnatural ingredients, such as the vital components that make prescription pills such as Viagra effective. After the product was launched, it was proven to be very effective in doing what it said it did, causing a major stir all over the mlm and direct selling industry. Along with the direct effect of better erections, people were also experiencing blood pressure spikes, severe headaches, lightheadedness and other similar symptoms.

      To put it in perspective, if you are one of the many unlucky candidates who don't have the right kind of ticker to handle Viagra, then the stuff potentially kill you. In short, Regenerect was released as an all natural "supplement" that promised it was safe for everyone. Naturally, anyone who observed the product and wasn't found fit for Viagra thought they found a healthy alternative and jumped on it. As it turns out, Regenerect was found to contain the drug Sildenafil, which is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Viagra, and an FDA-approved drug used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. To the best of my knowledge, no one was harmed or suffered any fatal effects from this scam, but the fact remains that it leaves a somewhat silent, significant change to the mlm world in general, because we once had to worry about losing money, but now we need to consider our lives, and those of our clients, should we be involved with a direct selling company..

      Below is a link to a letter written by the FDA in regard to its decision about Regenerect. (Link provided by James Douglas).



    • June 8, 2011 10:46 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Great catch by James and thanks for reposting Wallace.

      Based on the letter, Regeneca has 15 days to reply.  This is validation for everyone who prognosticated from the beginning that Regeneca would be 'whacked' by the FTC and that their product Regerect absolutely could not simply contain all natural ingredients, but *must* contain a prescription medication or analogue.

      I see three possible outcomes:

      1) Regeneca closes their doors, sits it for a year or so, and relaunches under a new name with a new product. There is an incentive to keep the public shell alive so the principles can sell off their shares.

      2) They try to stay open, stop selling Regenerect all together ( I don't see any way they can keep selling it, even with new labeling, packaging, ingredients, whatever - it's dead ) and instead try to launch a new product line - my guess is a weight loss product or some other diet product. This is risky, as the FDA is going to scrutinize everything that comes out under the Regeneca label.

      3) Some form of legal action - either the FTC or the Attorney General step in, or a class action lawsuit by individuals who took the misrepresented product closes their doors.



    • June 11, 2011 8:06 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Well Watchdog, I'd say that pretty much covers it. If I had to narrow it down to one, I'd choose outcome number 1. I choose this because as you know, no single individual makes up a company, and as such there is really no one person in Regenerect that is going to pay the price. There will be fines (maybe) but ultimately, only the Regenerect entity itself is likely to fall victim to the law. I also believe that lawyers will ensure that every possible move will be pulled before the plug itself is. That's basically how any company operates. Its almost easy enough to imagine all merchandise pulled, logos buried and the name being changed all from the same office just prior to launching a new electromagnetic underwear capable of increasing your web traffic. I will certainly be surprised if I see another Regenerect add.....but you never really know, do you?

    • June 19, 2011 10:40 PM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Hi Alex, I couldn't find much information on Jason Caramanis being affiliated with Regenerect, is there some kind of info source as to where I should look to verify? I'm also unable to link David Chute with Regenerect, but it is always possible that both individuals purpously avoided any links.

    • June 22, 2011 6:33 PM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      I can confirm David Chute is part of the corporate team at Regeneca.  I have met him at several of their events.  Also, Regeneca issued a voluntary recall on 2 lot numbers of the Regenerect product. They recently sent me a new sample of their "clean" formula.  I dont think I'm going to risk putting anything from Regeneca in my body again.  I have heard from others that it is not effective anyways.  

      I've rerouted all of my Regeneca related domain names to this post.  Buyers be warned :)

    • June 23, 2011 12:17 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Good call on not using the Clean formula James, I don't think I'd bother using anything from Regeneca either. If you don't mind me asking, what are your plans now? Have you scoped a new mlm  you find interesting or are you going to focus on something else entirely? You guys are the ones Regeneca hit the hardest, and I sincerely feel bad that everyone's planning, everyones work is somewhat down the tube because of these bozos.

    • June 30, 2011 10:39 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      I am one of those guys that this had the potential to kill, and I think this company is a damn disgrace to Network Marketing. There should be a hell of a lot more than fines and a little unpopularity. The company should be forced to shut down, period. Luckily the tackle is still fishworthy but at my age Its very common for other guys to have these kinds of needs, and what is being represented as some kind of mistake on Regeneca's part is obviously some idiot being caught breaking the rules. To be honest, I'm amazed there are no lawsuits because had I taken these pills and had so much as a racing heart I'd call my lawyer so fast they'd be selling magnetic bracelets in no time. Shame on you Regeneca.

    • July 3, 2011 11:41 PM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      This is so sad, on one hand I'm glad that no men were harmed in any way but Regeneca just seemed like a really cool company with lots of potential, I am still amazed that they did this. Are they still in operation or has anyone shut them down?

    • July 4, 2011 12:36 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Hi Alex, thanks for the link, just wondering where the Regeneca material is? I have been watching videos about non-related stuff, very interesting, and this is the first time I've heard of Buck Reed. Guy seems like a real snake.

    • July 4, 2011 1:24 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Do a search/find for Adam Gilmer and you will see a bunch of stuff on Regeneca

      Do a search/find for Jason Caramanis and you will see a bunch of stuff on Regenca

      Lastly, do a serach/find for Regeneca

    • July 12, 2011 7:34 AM PDT
    • FDA Gives Verdict On Regenerect

      Ummmm  How is this still available?

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