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    • July 1, 2011 2:47 AM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile but I have been super busy just trying to keep my head on my shoulders lately and it is in that very struggle I am looking for help with. As some of you may know, I have been having some awesome success with Pampered Chef, and I am so grateful for the fun I'm having, but this is the first business I've ever attempted, and despite the fact that I'm making tons of money I'm worn out from running around in circles. I am having to meet people who seem to be consistently late, and that's ok until I have to meet another client and not lose quality of conversation with either of them. I can't seem to keep track of my phone appointments, my sales numbers my product and my information database. I need software, or a secretary! or something before I completely lose my mind. I don't know if any of you work with some kind of activity management software, but if you do and know of nay please let me know because I'm desperate. The few programs I have found that I think I would even know how to use don't seem to be very well liked in reviews, but at the same time, I'm not a CEO or a marketing engineer, I just need a digital secretary, something that can update me, even go as far as to act as an appointment alarm.

      HELP! :p

    • July 1, 2011 7:35 AM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Heya Irataages, I'm sorry you are experiencing a bit of a brain scramble. I am honestly the last guy that is qualified to dish out some advice on management and organization, especially considering the fact that I can barely maintain a balanced array of relaxation methods. I just don't know what I should do first, play Castle Age, or work in the yard lol. I do however sympathize, and wanted to at least try to help you find an answer since I have seen a few programs that are at least worth looking at. In fact, maybe you really don't need a program per say, but just to learn a few tricks that busy people use unconsciously. I can hit you with a series of links that I found to be helpful on a very fundamental level. Try not to laugh at the first one, its primitive but you'd be surprised how even the most intelligent of us can overlook the really basic areas we could apply some effortless change to.

      This covers organization on a basic level, that gray area that we skip over in favor of looking for a personal secretary as you put it. I would actually benefit from this since I'm about as organized as a 12 year old kid's room. it goes into looking at how much time you have to look at and develop your organizational skills, where you need it, and where the chaos is stemming from.

      Here's another one on home office organization. You may or may not have a home office, but given the kinds of success you have shared with us about your experience with Pampered Chef, you probably need one now. It doesn't have to be much, even just a desk with a bulletin board you can tack things onto will help out a lot. My fiancee would be lost without hers. The article gives you tips on how to organize your home office, so now that you have this article, make sure to go get an office seriously.

      I see you have a computer obviously, or at least access to one since you visit us here on Repspace. Is it a desktop or a laptop? I'm a gamer, so life isn't normal if I don't have a desktop with an HD monitor and a $400 graphics card pumping out frames. You on the other hand, you don't need much to apply a PC to business. Some storage drives and programs that handle your finances, calendar dates, inventory, whatever you have to worry about would be ideal. I don't recommend more than one program, many of them will do all of it for you. I actually get by on 1 single time sheet each week, and it took me weeks to get used to a simple Open Office time sheet doc lol, and I STILL fill it out with tons of screw ups. If you have a desktop, get a cheap but reliable laptop, a few zip drives and if necessary, an external hard drive to back up your stuff. Try Dell, or Gateway, which makes me cringe to say because I build computers and my monsters kick the crap out of anything those companies can give you any day, BUT, they do make the technology affordable, and again you don't need a supercomputer to run a business.

      Last but not least, you can always try network marketing forums and ask for advice....hah, just kidding, although it was a smart move. I can't really recommend any particular software aside from what I find on a search engine, because I don't use any, and again I'm not qualified to say what works and what doesn't. I wish you well though, and I hope you find exactly what you need, and that my babbling helped at least a little.

    • July 3, 2011 11:34 PM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Thank you so much for your response! It actually helped me quite bit. I went down your list and already shaved a few unnecessary parts of my schedule down. I also went on a search to find some free business management software and a few of the programs helped but it seems like the most useful stuff requires you to pay for it, and I'm ok with that, I just want to be able to try it out with 100% access before committing the funds for it. The biggest issue with all of the free ones is that they are all separate and each comes with parts of the program I don't need. I don't want to jump back and forth between several applications if I can somehow manage to get them all consolidated. Anywho! thank you for the great response, and I will let you know what I end up settling on. <3

    • July 18, 2011 12:31 PM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Hi Irataages!

      I am sorry I just saw your post - I haven't been around lately very much either :)

      But I wanted to post a quick note to see if I can help. 

      One of the biggest challenges with direct sales is managing the appointments and follow up -there's no question about that!  Even though we take our business very seriously, others don't. One of the biggest part of my "job" is setting expectations with customers, hostesses and potential consultants.  OK, enough of my rant!  Sorry!  :)

      Anyway, the tool I use is The Client Angel.  It's a great tool to keep track of all your customers in one place, enter follow up notes, reminders, track purchases, etc.  It is a paid service though, however, you get to try it for the first month for only $4.95 PLUS they help you key in all your data.  This service has saved me a ton of time and has made me more organized and less paper/clutter.  

      Use this link to get the discounted trial.

      Good luck and let me know what you think!

    • July 21, 2011 9:06 AM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Hi Ivette,

      Thanks for the information!  I had peeked at The Client Angel awhile back and am glad to now know someone using it.  How long have you used it?  It is internet-based, right?  If so, are you able to back up to your computer?

      PS  I ADORE your url.  :)

    • July 22, 2011 1:31 AM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Hi Carleen!

      I've been using the system for about 3 months and I have to admit I still haven't used it to the full capacity.  It tracks so much stuff (but in a good way!)

      It is internet based, but I don't know if you can back up the information to your computer.  I had not even thought about that because I just assumed that the database would be backed up every night.  Guess I should look into that!

      Let me know if you have any other questions.  I can send you links to the training videos if you'd like. 


      P.S.  Thanks for noticing my URL - I like it too!  At first I thought it was kind of hokey, but people really remember it and gravitate towards it since my target is other moms like me :)

    • July 22, 2011 4:16 PM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Yep, I'm (pretty) sure they back up their system regularly, but what if they go out of business, or whatever...  Some may think I'm paranoid; I prefer realist.  haha

      So I emailed them this question, thought you'd be interested in their response.  :)

      Is there a way to backup my data onto my computer?

      Their response:

      Not yet but at the end of the month, we will have a search capability where you can export out their information and save it if you want!!

      Stand is coming soon :-)



    • July 24, 2011 9:00 AM PDT
    • HELP :)

      Thanks Carleen - good to know.  Especially since I didn't even ask that before signing up.  :)

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