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  • Topic: I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

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    • March 27, 2009 5:54 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Does anyone have an insight because going through all those companies will take me days.

    • March 27, 2009 6:11 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont


      My experience of more than 30 years in business is that there is no quick money. These guys who say you can make 10k or 50k a month from day one and  reitre rich by filling out forms and other such things I personally do not believe. Building a business with a sound plan, infrastructure and a service or products of value to a broad customer base is the only way to make significant long term money that you can retire on. At the risk of sounding like an advertisement, if what I have said appeals to your sense of reason, get back to me and I'll tell you what I am doing. Good luck !

    • March 30, 2009 2:21 PM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Hi Wendy.  You're right.  It would take awhile to go through all the companies listed.  If you're looking for faster money, I would suggest affiliate marketing.  If your looking for long term income, building a business is the best option.  There are some affiliate products with a monthly membership that can give you a residual income.

      The reality is that there is no fast money to be had.  Of course, this also depends on where you're starting from.  Do you have a list of people you can already work with.  In offline Networking, some would call it your warm list.  For us online marketers, that would be our subscriber list.  If you don't have that, I think you will find more frustration and profits if you're looking for results in a month.

      The method I use is quality affiliate products that I can promote to my list to create multiple income streams.  I have my MLM's but even these are internet based with digital products.

      My favorite program is a low cost product based on a monthly subscription that I use as a low cost/high value up front product.  The business also includes a lead management/list builder feature that I can use to prospect for my MLM's as well as market my affiliate products to.  I also use by blog as a place to send my list subscribers as well as to generate new leads.

      if you're curious, contact me or visit my profile for the link to a simple program you can start with. 

      I would warn you though, getting it all set up and generating leads and profits in a month is a tall order.  Good luck in whatever path you take.

    • March 30, 2009 9:16 PM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Wendy,    I replied earlier and saw the other response frm Dale about afilliate marketing. He is absolutely right. I am in fact involved in that type of business. You may be really interested. It is ground floor but will grow as fast as Facebook did through viral marketing. You should check it out.

    • March 31, 2009 12:06 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Hi Wendy,

      I will pretty much agreee with the other posts here, You are not going to find a get rich quick plan, if it sounds to good to be true it probably is.

      Be very careful when looking at ways to make money, there are a lot of people out there who are taking advantage of people in these times of economic uncertainty.

      Affiliate Products are OK, but marketing them can be tough, everyone is using googel adwords and the money you will pay to get your ad's seen will break the bank for sure. :-)

      You are welcome to take a look at what I am doing, its certainly not a get rich quick, but I believe it to be a great opportunity.

      ~ Rick ~


    • April 8, 2009 12:58 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      OK, here goes.

      I am involved in the US launch of the European e-commerce shopping portal called Dubli. In a week or so we will launch our Shopping Mall, which will include a customer rewards program with over 850 merchants, including,, Macys, Best Buy, etc, etc. along with 10,000 local and national restaurants. The customer gets discounts to use in other stores or to participate free in auctions of high end products, including cars and luxury vacations.

      The business associate earns commissions on each purchase AND on each click-through to a merchant or on an item, whether he buys or not. The customer is linked to the associate ID# for life, as are any referal customers that sign up virally, with no limit. Ten customers can become 10,000 in a year just as Facebook grew virally to 30 million in 3 years !

      Cost of entry is as low as $175 up to $2900 with no product inventory. This is pure referal affiliate marketing in e-commerce. Lifetime passive residual income.

      I hope I have not crossed any protocol lines here, but I wanted to be clear in the interests of opportunity to others.

    • March 30, 2009 9:49 PM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Thanks Joe, I have actually been working on a website with affliated marketing and I have other websites like amazone and ebay but nothing seems to work.  I have 10,000 leads but I seem to be spending more then I am making.  What are you doing

    • March 30, 2009 9:52 PM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Thanks Dale I have a blog and facebook and many websites and leads.  I am not great on the telephone I am better with email.  What MLM's are you involved with?

    • March 31, 2009 1:12 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont, no, no.

      Nobody that's new to online marketing should be using Pay-Per-Click (PPC) methods like Adwords for affiliate marketing or network marketing.  You're correct Rick.  That's the fastest way to lose money.  PPC is one of the last ways someone should advertise a product or use to generate leads for their MLM.

      I never suggest PPC to anyone new to online networking or affiliate marketing.  Hands down, it is the fastest and most powerful way to generate traffice and you can generate real money in less than 24 hours....but few new online marketers have the first clue on how to do it correctly.

      I've used PPC for years with my affiliate products and I've done pretty well with it and it's darn nice to wake up in the morning and check my email to find out that I've made sales to people on the other side of the world.  People I never talked to and never will.  That's the advantage affiliate marketing has and will always have over networking.  That's why I like working with digital and downloadable products.  Two clicks.  One to give there credit card information and one to download the product.  Then I'm done.  No bottles of pills or wonder berry juice to send out and no boxes of super-duper  weight loss shakes taking up my closet space.  Nothing.

      I only teach and promote free online marketing methods.  New online marketers have more free resources now, thanks to the explosion of social media and web2.0, than ever before.  I always suggest that new marketers learn about and master these FREE methods before they ever begin to use paid placement or PPC methods.  In fact, resources, reports and e-books that teach these things are the core of my free give aways to people that visit my blog ( and subscribe to my newsletter.

    • April 8, 2009 5:30 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      I think you're ok Joe.  It was a good clear explaination of your company and it is a thread talking about opportunities.

      It sounds interesting.  It's a larger ticket item than mine.  I like to promote lower cost products and use the viral nature of global online marketing to leverage that.

      I use a simple $7 monthly subscription product/business that everyone can find of use.  Eveyone that values personal development and success coaching.

      Even a low cost product with a monthly subscription can generate a very nice monthly income when applied to a multi-tier affiliate program.

      Keep me posted on how your launch goes.  We are just about done with our Beta test phase of our Pre-launch.

    • March 30, 2009 10:30 PM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont


      I am not sure about protocol here, so I don't want to mention a specific business, unless I find out it is OK to do that. You can email me if you want at I can tell you that this company is about to launch it's public format and is geared towards viral growth based on customer to customer referals that are all tied back to the affiliate. There is no MLM and the commissions from viral referals have no limit, whether 1st, 5th or 20th generation. There are products sold but none by the affiliates. This is truly a new hybrid internet based business.

    • March 31, 2009 1:19 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Hey Wendy.  I would be happy to talk with you also.  You have my blog information and my Twitter if you want to contact me.  I think I have some information you may want or need.  I do phone consultation with networkers all around the US and one thing I find with many new online marketers is that they become overwhelmed by everything there is to do out there so they try to do everything.

      Dont eat the will never get close to where you want to be.

    • April 8, 2009 8:06 AM PDT
    • I am looking for a company that I can make money within one mont

      Thank you for that, Dale. You are correct in that there are many innovative ways to create a niche that will provide a nice income. I will keep you posted !

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