Forums MLM Reviews Isagenix Reviews
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    • August 29, 2010 9:02 AM PDT
    • Isagenix Reviews

      Lately I have read a number of Isagenix reviews. Some have been very positive and others have been completely terrible. The company provides a complete ingredient list for their products which is definately a positive thing. A number of unflattering Isagenix reviews have been complaints regarding the ingredients. However, I find these less than convincing as the entire ingredient list is available to consumers. If there were ingredients that were detrimental to your health they wouldnt want that information to be so readily available.

      As far as prices go, their cleanse seems to be pretty reasonable. I noticed one consumer complaining about being unable to get her money back, but there isnt anywhere that I could find a money back guarantee so it shouldnt be a suprise when you buy and use a product that you arent refunded.

       In general, the Isagenix reviews have been more on the positive side. I'm really having a hard time finding any legitimate concerns with the company.

    • August 30, 2010 11:02 PM PDT
    • Isagenix Reviews

      Hi Bexter, I agree that there does seem to be a fairly diverse mix of Isagenix reviews, although I also feel that the majority are generally flattering of the company and its products. Cleansing is a topic in and of itself that I think is slightly abused here in the west; in the sense that people are doing it to lose weight, which doesn't make anymore sense to me than the old Dexatrim tablets. I think many people feel that Isagenix promotes its product as a weight loss product, and if you are considering water or waste as "weight" than I suppose its not a lie, but it certainly has nothing to do with losing fat.

      That being said; colon cleansing is definitely a healthy thing once in awhile, but doing it excessively, or for weight loss is not healthy at all, so I think many people read the ingredients and dislike that aspect of the product. Incidentally, there are tons of people who abuse weigh loss and colon cleanse products all for the sake of losing weight. I have read the ingredients and I don't think there is anything particularly bad in there if the product is taken as intended, but I would certainly not let any MLM company be my focus when it comes to choosing healthy foods and beverages for my body.

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