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    • January 14, 2010 10:09 AM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan


      I would like to know if anyone can give me a description of what the Jusuru compensation plan is like. How does it work? What kind of a compensation plan is it?

      Thank you.

    • January 14, 2010 11:12 PM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan

      Hi Patricia-

      The Jusuru Reward Compensation Plan appears to be based on a unilevel model with additional elements to increase your earning potential. The company states, "when you are active, distributors become eligible to earn bonuses, commissions, and prizes based on their efforts. Reviewing the Comp. Plan shows there are 5 rankings, starting with what is called Venture 1 through 4 and Endeavor 1. Personal sales volume is 1 case of the product which equals 140 units. Distributors must increase their Group Sales Volume by increasing their downline and then they receive a percentage down 5 levels.

      DIRECT SALES: you will get paid up to 30% for every bottle that you sell.  PREFERRED CUSTOMER BONUS: your customers will get 15% of the retail price and you will make15% profit too. FAST START BONUS; you will earn up to 20% of the sales of the people you personally recruited in their first 60 days in the business. TEAM COMMISSIONS, ENROLLER BONUS, TURBO INFINITY BONUS, LEADER CHECK MATCH, LEADERSHIP POOLS and CAR BONUS.


    • January 14, 2010 11:17 PM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan

      Wow, thank you KristenM. Are you a Jusuru rep?


      It sounds like the Jusuru compensation plan is comparable to many other marketing opportunities out there. I wonder if there is anything that makes it unique. Have to do a bit of my own research I guess too. Thanks for the jump start. 

    • January 18, 2010 11:54 AM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan

      The compensation plan is a unilevel with performance bonuses and incentives to help your team succeed. Perhaps the best feature is that unlike MANY companies you do not need to front load product with a huge initial outlay in order to qualify for the highest commission levels. You do so purely by growing your business.

      Right now, the company is also offering an additional incentive through the "Jusuru Presidential Ambassador Program", essentially a company launch incentive that allows you to double your initial commission.

      Click here for more info.

    • January 15, 2010 5:12 AM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan

      Ha, no, I am not a Jusuru rep, just an interested consumer.  I saw your question and wondered the same thing so did a little searching.

      I didn't find that the Jusuru comp. plan stood out from that of many of the other marketing deals, if you see something I missed please share.

      Thanks PatriciaC, from KristenM

    • January 18, 2010 12:40 PM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan


      So in other words, with the Jusuru compensation plan, I start making money from the first bottle I sell, rather than having to reach any sort of quota or recruit a certain number of people; whatever I sell, I earn a commission on, correct?

      Using the Jusuru Presidential Ambassador Program right now will double the initial 30% commission? That's a great incentive. Does the commission double on all sales or only in certain instances? Wouldn't that make the commission 60%? How long will that incentive last?

      Thank you for the information 'Jusuru Rep'

    • January 18, 2010 12:43 AM PST
    • Jusuru Compensation Plan

      Hi Kristen,


      Thanks for responding, and you're right, the Jusuru compensation plan looks like most others, and nothing stood out to me either.

      It looks like the main focus of the plan is recruiting, since you don't make any money unless you recruit others to sell as well. You are, however, paid in nine different ways, as you stated above. And 30% on every bottle you sell, is a good commission.

      Like every other MLM though, the proof isn't in the compensation plan I suppose, it's on how good your marketing skills are. If you can master that, you can sell anything.


      Thanks again Kristen.


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