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    • January 12, 2010 10:24 AM PST
    • Jusuru Press Release

      Jusuru Press Release


      Click here for more info on Jusuru

      Jusuru’s Patented BioCell Collagen II Hits the Market in a Liquid Nutraceutical!


      Jusuru International’s cutting-edge liquid nutraceutical that promotes healthy aging, active joints, and younger looking skin has just exploded onto the market. What sets Jusuru apart from the competition, and what truly provides a hallmark vehicle for quick acceleration to the top of the $3Billion liquid nutraceutical market is the fact that Jusuru contains the PATENTED BioCell Collagen II ingredient and is a natural hydrolyzed type II collagen component that provides a complex matrix of elements (Collagen Type II, Chondroitin Sulfate & Hyaluronic Acid) that helps with joint and skin health. With their patented process, BioCell Collagen II was created as a low molecular weight ingredient that Bio-Optimized for easy absorption by the human body. BioCell Collagen II is widely used by many nutritional products in a pill form across the globe providing nutritional support and promoting, however it has not existed in a liquid form until now.At, you’ll learn more about Jusuru Life Blend, and what makes it so unique and effective. Learn how sharing Jusuru with others can help you earn cash and rewards using the mlm business model. Jusuru is a company that provides a proprietary blend of natural ingredients in an exclusive nutrition product which features all of the antioxidants you would come to expect from a top-tier product like Acai, mangosteen, goji, blueberries, jujube, pomegranates, grapes and more. In addition, it comes power-packed with Resveratrol for heart health. Their formulations and technology make them the first in the world to present a product of this magnitude.



    • January 13, 2010 8:50 AM PST
    • Jusuru Press Release

      I appreciate the info presented here, though if I may; a few questions have been asked in other areas that have yet to be answered so I was hoping it wouldn't be rude to re post them here.

      1. What kind of opportunities are available to non-business owners and If there is a difference between the Ambassador program and the Presidential Ambassador program?

      2. As I understand it, most nutraceuticals aren't subject  to the same testing that foods and medicines are, and I was wondering what kind of testing if any; has Jusuru undergone to ensure its safe for human consumption? I recall reading that the product contains Bio-Cell collagen and was hoping to get a better understanding of how the two substances work homogeneously?

      3. Will Jusuru be marketed as a standalone product or are there any plans in the works for different flavors or possibly foods as the company expands?

      Thank you in advance for any responses.

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