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  • Topic: Kangen Water

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    • February 7, 2011 1:44 AM PST
    • Kangen Water

      What is Kangen Water and what are the benefits?

    • February 7, 2011 8:58 AM PST
    • Kangen Water

      I consider Enagic Kangen Water to be of the same ilk as the magic magnetic holographic nanomagic bracelets. Disclaimer: I have not yet tried to debunk the oft repeated Evolv Health claim that their Kangen Water is 'officially approved for it's health merits' by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. I read this little pearl that tries to get all sciency to explain the magical Kangen elixer:

       Kangen water is one of many brand names for so-called alkaline waters promoted as a healthier form of water with significant anti-oxidant properties. It's generally presented as the result of an electrolysis process which separates ordinary water (H20) into two separate entities. One half of the separated water becomes an acidic HO molecule, while the other becomes an alkaline OH molecule. The producers of Kangen water bottle the alkaline OH water for drinking purposes, while the acidic HO molecule is used for topical applications.

       I don't think this particular distributor knew what the heck she was talking about ( or she was drinking the Kang-Aid ) but when I was just a lad in 7th grade science class we did a little bit of 'alchemy' with a 6 volt batter, two wires, two nails, a couple of beakers and test tubes. When we did the 'electromagic' we ended up with two test tubes of gas ... two parts Hydrogen for one part Oxygen. Somehow, we didn't end up with one half of the water becoing an acidic HO molecule. It was still...water. I thought the acidic form of hydrogen was hydrochloric acid, but then again my latest touch point with chemistry lately is watching Breaking Bad. Another Enagic rep on another website touting Kangen Water says that it is created by passing the water through a specific type of filtration machine. Could they be a little more, I don't know, specific?

      The Kangen Water machines run between $500 and $1000 dollars in the US. Water and filtration MLM's go together like Evangelists and Religion, so not surprised if people are buying into the Kangen Water deal. One of the sleaziest MLM reps I ever met was originally an NSA dealer ( water filtration ). He later went on to sell Magic Soap Inspired by God ( that you drink - until someone died drinking it ) and then retreated to Mexico and let his son carry on the MLM legacy of scamming unsuspecting victims in one MLM shell game after another. Surprised he's not pitching this deal.


    • February 17, 2011 8:47 AM PST
    • Kangen Water


      Hello everyone..

      I'm amazed that this topic has sprung up because just this past weekend my daughter told me that she spent $2,600 on a Jupiter Delphi water ionizer and to be completely frank, I really didn't know what to say short of calling her an idiot. I have been involved with MLM companies in the past and Kangen water is basically ionized alkaline water, which depending on who you ask, is supposedly nothing short of holy. If it isn't oxygenated water, its alkaline water, or nutrient infused water.

      Naturally, I had to sit with the phone to my ear for over an hour listening to my daughter explain that alkaline water can prevent cancer because of its molecules staying in smaller clusters than the molecules of ordinary water. Since they’re smaller, they can supposedly reach finer spaces in the body which normal water molecules can, not reach. In addition to this, alkaline water is apparently a good source of antioxidants. So instead of buying antioxidants like the rest of us, she puts a $2,600 charge on her VISA for a water Ionizer while forgetting that she still owes me $1900 for a vehicle I obtained for her last year that she knows I will not collect on.

      When I look at the Kangen package it all rings the same unlikely to be succesful way that many other companies do. When my daughter lead me to the Kangen site, I looked for the typical stamp that they usually have, including the companies I used to represent, and it goes something like this:

      -( "Throughout this site the following applies:

      The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor." )-

      That is really all you need to know.

      Sincerely, Linda.

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