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  • Topic: Melaleuca Wellness Company

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    • March 17, 2011 2:27 AM PDT
    • Melaleuca Wellness Company

      Melaleuca Wellness Company

      My momma loves this company and she has a little shelf in her bathroom where she stores them, and just by having the bottles there it smells wonderful. Originally, she started looking for organic products because she liked my bottle of orange Trewax, because it smells heavenly and works on most things, the only standard she had was that it had to be organic which she recently got into a few years ago. Since I was involved with Agloco at the time, my mom got on to the MLM kick and started doing a bit of research and she asked me about Melaleuca Wellness Company. While it's not my thing as far as selling goes, the products are simply amazing, and I have to be honest, they work just as well as anything on the market, and with all that's going on around the world, I definitely think its time we need to find new sources of energy and get back to living in simpler, safer ways.

      One of the most common excuses people give about going green is that the stuff cost more, but that isn't always the case, as my mom compared prices and even I was surprised. She used Walmart of all places to, and Melaleuca Wellness Company took the prize. Pay attention to the amount you get....


      TIDE at Walmart vs MELAPOWER 200 oz 64 loads

      $13.98 vs $9.99 64 oz 64 loads

      DOWNY vs MELASOFT 40 oz 40 loads

      $3.68 vs $6.99 quart 96 loads

      ROBITUSSIN Multi symptom 4 oz vs COUNTERACT Children's Multi Symptom 4 oz

      $4.53 vs $3.99


      The list goes on and on for all kinds of products and I can't think of a better place to compare than Walmart if we are not going the green way, and if you compare them to other green companies, yall can forget that because Melaleuca Wellness Company will win. I'm considering getting involved now once the dust settles from my last venture.

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