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  • Topic: Advocare Spark

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    • April 23, 2011 3:28 AM PDT
    • Advocare Spark

      Well, I got back from Boston yesterday to visit my friend and do a little work on his computer network, and was well on my way until I felt the urge to grab a coffee, which as it turned out, he didn't have. So I offered to go to Dunkin Donuts and grab us both a couple large ones, but he doesn't drink it, and I had enough work to do that I'd rather get it done faster so I can get home and play New Vegas. So after a few minutes he comes out with a rather interesting looking beverage, and wouldn't you know it; it was an Advocare product. Now anyone who knows me knows that I think drinks like Red bull, and all its knock offs are not only gross, but downright bad for your body. On this fine day though, I had no choice but to make an exception, if not for the sole reason as the opportunity to review it here on Repspace. Please make all donations for my sacrifice to my email which I'll give you later, and a link to my paypal addy.

      Just kidding.

      As is the title of this thread, the name of the beverage is Advocare Spark, though I might call it Advocare Atom Bomb. My buddy looked all smug when he saw the excitement, and I must admit, it was the perfect atonement for his sin of not having coffee. Let me just start off by saying that I'm not knocking the product, but I'm here to tell you now that it tastes like ass. Now I heard rumors that the taste of Advocare's products dramatically went down when the company founder was alive, though I don't know if that's true or not, but according to the digital lore, they began using fillers and other substances which hurt the taste alot. I had Citrus flavor, and it reminded me of when I used to smoke and what happens to a water filled ashtray after its full and the water becomes "cigarette water". Combine that with lemon or lime, and you have Advocare Spark.

      I know that's harsh, but seriously, its not good. Now let's talk about the effect. The effect was, I was running around a mile a minute, it was like having had 2-3 coffees but without the mental clarity, which is ironic since that is supposed to be half of what it improves. I couldn't think straight, you know why? because I was thinking too much, too fast. I felt like I had the jitters, but it sort of felt good in a way for about an hour and a half. Then after about 2 hours I began to feel a bit sick, but to be fair, that happens to me with too much coffee to. Some people just thrive on this kind of thing, and I'm not one of them, in fact even a strong chocolate milk has a strange effect on me.

      So overall, the product works, that much I promise; but its harsh, both in flavor, and in the effect. I don't think its really necessary to have that much energy in a shake I mean we are human beings, not nuclear power cells. My friend said it was a box he got through a promotional offer and that he wasn't going to sell Advocare or anything like that, but after researching the price, I think it cost way too much also, and so it lost more points there. I don't know about you, but I'm not wanting to pay 55 bucks for 42 servings of jitter juice, but if that kind of high is what you're looking for, maybe its just the right replacement for coffee, IF you don't mind the diarrhea that comes about 5 hours later. Sorry to share that with you, but it was essential and a major issue that I know was a direct result of drinking Advocare Spark.

      Anyway, it is what it is. Bad taste, too strong an effect, and will be an issue for some people intestinally...

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