Forums Complaints AdzZoo Complaints
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    • August 9, 2010 7:36 AM PDT
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      The number one AdzZoo complaint I am hearing is that AdzZoo reps are completely misrepresenting what AdzZoo does as part of their sales pitch to small businesses.

      AdzZoo reps are reportedly claiming that their programmers are from Google  and that they are certified Google Internet Marketing and advertising experts.

      AdzZoo reps have gone so far as to re-register businesses with Google, which causes Google to send out verification to your physical address and causes you to be dropped from the local ( free ) listings until verified.

      I heard about a scam similar to AdzZoo before I ever heard of any AdzZoo complaints - a company was using an autodialer calling businesses and telling them they needed to renew their Google listings - when they got callbacks, they pitched them on how they could make the business appear in the top of the search listings.

      They did this by simply being sure the business was registered with Google, and when the business owner looks up his business, his Google results are tagged by his IP address which Google uses to display local business results, and sure enough, there you are on top of the local listings - exactly where you would be if you simply registered with Google for free.

      AdzZoo complaints that claim that reps are misrepresenting and trying to charge for something that businesses can do themselves for free seem to be completely valid.

      Interested in opposing viewpoints.

    • August 10, 2010 3:15 AM PDT
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      We main problem seems to be that Adzzoo is in fact trying to sell internet advertising but do to the cost structure and the amount paid to the reps and to run the company there is a limited amount of the AD spend dollars that can be applied to promote the business. This will always be a problem for the customer. We have heard of many customers that were happy with Adzzoo in the first few months and then the results dropped off.

    • November 21, 2010 12:55 AM PST
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      Who are you guys to have the pulse of the small and medium sized businesses calling you to complain about AdzZoo :)

      I put a smiley on that statement for a reason.

      There seems to be a campaign organized by you guys reporting how AdzZoo misrepresents itself.

      Here is the thing, I am an AdzZoo rep and I am told in every training call not to represent ourselves as a partner of google or to have any sepcial relationship with Google.

      Al I can do is state facts and that is we are a Google Adwords Certified Partner.

      We are experts about delievery paying customers to businesses and helping businesses retain them.

      Peter Fuller MBA CA


    • December 6, 2010 11:12 PM PST
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      Hi Peter, with respect, I can understand the feeling that there are ulterior motives for posting here, especially in a place with MLM invested members. In your responses, I have come to read your input as to how the partnership between Google and AdzZoo issue began. I apologize if this is a long running issue you come across and AdzZoo never made such claims. I can say that I have seen firsthand what a few bad reps can do to the image of a company, especially if they are net savvy and can toss around some keywords.

      However, I think it might be better to define what being a Google adwords partner exactly means. There is no ant-AdzZoo army trying to attack your company, that much I assure you, but this forum provides a section in which we discuss frauds, scams and complaints, and it can't always be helped if one company becomes the center of attention over what may very well be a technicality, or a legitimately false statement.


      The whole "Certified Adwords Partner" seems to be the thing that causes the stir. The icon certainly isn't presented in a way that seems neutral, and why is it necessary to advertise it anyway? It at least appears to others as though the company is trying to dance close to a line it can't legally cross with the hope of creating a sense of stability based on the foundation of an Internet giant.

      I'm not saying that is what AdzZoo did, I'm only saying that is how it appears, so naturally it finds its way here, and this is what we discuss weekly, often daily. You at least have the opportunity to correct the perception, and perhaps as an AdzZoo rep, give your company a better understanding of where the issue is so that they can perhaps modify the root of the problem.

    • December 8, 2010 10:56 AM PST
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      Hey Wallace

      First, Google created the Certified Adwords Partner program and actually wants us to display the logo and tell people :)

      There is a fringe who are posting on the internet the same common false story about AdzZoo.

       It always relates to either an AdzZoo rep approached them or they know a business that was approached.

      Why do you think there is a problem with promoting AdzZoo as a Certified Adwords Partner?



      Peter Fuller MBA CA

    • January 21, 2011 2:19 AM PST
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      Hi Peter

      Thank you for clarifying, Google and adwords in general are something I'm not particularly schooled on. When I first heard about the AdzZoo story, it made me notice the certified Google Adwords logo and I started wondering if that was part of the complaint. If that's something Google created, then by all means, I stand corrected.

      Naturally I don't know anyone who claims to have been approached, but I may have jumped the gun in regard to this story and got sucked into the tidal wave of criticism. I see so much of that kind of thing when learning about these companies that to some extent, I have come to expect it. I haven't done enough research on AdzZoo to have jumped into this conversation to be fair, but I suppose old habits die hard.

      Kudos to you for countering the claims if what you say is true, I appreciate the input.

      Kind regards.


    • January 21, 2011 2:39 AM PST
    • AdzZoo Complaints

      Hello Wallace

      Thanks for your response.

      I am an AdzZoo member and I just completed my certified basic training, which is new required training for all AdzZoo reps. 

      In fact I completed it the first day they opened up the training and whipped through it with honours :)

      But the important thing in the training is that they reinforce what we can and cannot say as an AdzZoo rep.

      In fact they released an updated policy just recently as well.

      So if any AdzZoo rep ever does what all of these rumours say they do, they will be terminated immediately, no fooling around.

      I can see new, excited reps not knowing, but now with the required certification no one will have an excuse for misrepresenting what we do.

      Peter Fuller MBA CA

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