Philosophy in this Digital Age — Freedom running

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Freedom running

Running, like all forms of exercise is a way of meditation and a way for one to realize things that may seem hidden in everyday life.

It is something that everyone can do because it doesn’t take much. Only your feet and a will to do it. You do not need special arenas to go to or extra equipment. But the hardest thing to have is the will to go out and do it and shut the little voices in your head up… That is the hard part; the easy part is actually doing it. Although I have been doing it for years and years, it became clear to me only this past year. Mostly because I shifted my way of thinking and not thinking that I must do it because it is my profession but because I want to and for the lessons it teaches the individual.

It is all in the ability to listen to the voices in your head telling you to stop because the leg hurts, or you ran too much already, and make them shut up! You know there comes a certain point during running that you must quit. The body can’t take it anymore, the fatigue is burning your legs and every step is like dying. That is cool because when you get past that point and just continue, you are free and you have mastered your body. That is the exact moment you must keep in mind and always remember when you go through tough life situations. It is the same thing. A tough financial period goes away with the same mechanism. A relationship problem too. Anything. It is a matter of analogy.

Yesterday I was running 8+ kilometers in this form: 4 laps around the stadium and at the last 100m of every 4th lap, a 100% sprint. That times 5. Every 1st lap of every set I just felt I wanted to go to a dark and wet place, crawl slowly and just lay there until sweet death comes and takes me. Guess what though… I didn’t stop… and the rest 3 laps passed by like floating on air… The real magic came at the last sprint of every lap. Just when you have convinced yourself that you cannot give 1% more, you just find the strength of 99%! I had been running for 1500metres and suddenly there was power in me to give a full sprint! It is beyond words: to focus your sight on the finish line, to feel your legs flying, to know you are going past your body with pure spirit taking control in the driver’s seat and just… running… feeling strong and fast, on top of the world.

That feeling hit me like thunder. I still have the image of the track in front of me. It was a moment of high consciousness and a realization that we are here to excel and go beyond matter, beyond limiting thoughts and stupid ideas that surround us every day. It is a matter of choice what we choose to listen to; the noble in us, or someone’s limiting belief? The dark part of us, or the part that bears light? We all have it. Some have forgotten how to use it, some don’t know it is there, others don’t care. But it is there and from time to time it wants to get out and shine. Let it!

running run spiritual workout humanity motivation

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