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    • March 3, 2010 2:04 AM PST
    • Correction from previous post: I meant to say that Pyxism is in the 2nd phase of the company's launch , not pre-launch.


    • March 3, 2010 1:56 AM PST
    • Hi, WatchDog. As with any business opportunity, it is wise to have a healthy dose of skepticism until you have completed your due dilligence. I strongly urge you to look into Pyxism further. Pyxism is absolutely NOT a copycat of TVI Express, nor of any other company, for that matter. The level of integrity with which the company is operating has not only attracted me (a successful entrepreneur in traditional business), but scores of industry leaders; it is growing exponentially. Pyxism's tag line says it all: "Travel, Prosperity, Integrity". To be honest, MANY people have moved their entire teams from TVI--and many other companies--to Pyxism. Here's a quote from a former TVI leader regarding her decision to move...

      "As my team grew that is when the problems surfaced. First it was difficult to get payment to the company. Second nobody knows who exactly owns the company and that was becoming problematic. But the biggest issue revealed was something that is hidden in the compensation plan. It is the way the boards split which means your team splits away from you too. It was shocking to see how quickly my team was on different compensation boards and my team was fragmented to such an extent that none of us could help each other. On top of that when people from other teams are on your board and they decide to stop TVI or to refocus on their other positions on other boards then your board stalls. I immediately stopped recruiting into TVI as it quickly became apparent that the TVI corporate entity would make so much money from people who became stranded on boards and the majority of the people joining would not make money, only the few at the top would earn the big bucks. I was fortunate to find Pyxism almost immediately. Needless to say I analyzed their compensation plan more extensively to ensure they did not have the same issue with boards splitting and team fragmentation. I was thrilled to see a revolutionary compensation plan with a true follow me matrix. This means your team always stays with you so you can help your team and your team can help you! Everyone can be successful! Pyxism only has two matrixes in the entire company so you can benefit from your up line and your team can benefit too! Pyxism is also owned and operated out of the United States which means it has some of the strictest laws to adhere to. It is easy to know who the founder/owner of the company is, Lloyd Wilson. Lloyd has a great track record, knows the travel industry and is very accessible he does some presentations himself so people understand the motivation and culture of the company and get to ask him questions. This is so refreshing. After my thorough analysis of the compensation plan, the products, the start up costs, and the owner of the company, it was clear that Pyxism solved all the issues I found at TVI. I was so impressed that I moved my team from TVI to Pyxism where I know people can be successful."

      Products: As Pyxism Associates in this, Phase II of the company's pre-launch, we enjoy benefits such as (1) certificate-based travel (2) Pyxism Weeks vacations (3) Unlimited access to Pyxism Associate Travel Desk (commissions earned on our personal travel) and much more!!! The best thing is: we get paid weekly and gaining access to the travel products and benefits is simple and easy. I've all ready booked travel through the Associate Travel Desk and earned commission on it.

      Comp Plan: Pyxism has customized a fast moving compensation structure: the 2 by 2 cycling matrix and created the “Truest Follow-Me” cycling matrix in home based business history and then added 3 Generations of Leadership Bonuses that truly can create the wealth that you can retire on.

      Teamwork…The Foundation
      rewards and monetizes the very behavior that creates both immediate and long term financial success for you and the individual members of your team…Working Together to build a strong Team!

      WatchDog, I hope the info above helps. I'd be happy to answer additional questions. Go to my website: to learn more or email me at

      To your prosperity!



    • February 21, 2010 12:59 AM PST
    • Is PYXISM just a copycat of the TVI Express scam?

      It looks like the company is offering PYXISM travel certifcates - same as TVI Express. 

      There is a $300 start up fee for your certificate. 

      Has anyone received or redeemed one of these travel certificates?

      The travel certificates sound like the same give-away certs that time share companies use.