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    • May 28, 2010 2:11 PM PDT
    • TVI Express

      Tvi Express has not been closed down as you have reported.

      Three individuals only have have restraining orders against them. Not the company..

      As for the $500 and $10,000 commissions, i personally know scores of people whom have received mutiples of $500 commissions and at least 12 people whom have received between $10,000 and $40,000

      There have been several large existing MLM Companies whom have been down the road that these three hapless people are going, and fought and won their cases.

      Even when the fat lady sings ,the party is not necessarily over.

      this is just the first round, so don't kill this chicken off yet because it's not ready to be plucked!

      The ACCC has infamously lost several large cases at the tax payers' expense and are desperate for a win, and TVI looked like easy pickings and think they have the chicken by the neck.

      To quote Winston Churchill (during WW20) " Hitler says he has the English chicken by the neck."

      "Some chicken....some chicken, some neck !!! ".

      I f they are so concerned about protecting the Australian consumer why did they not put a warning up on Scamwatch when they became aware of TVI in (very) early April instead of waiting till late in May after Thousands of new people had joined.

      The way I see it, is that if (and it's a BIG IF) Accc wins then thousands of people could sue them for not protecting them, and when they lose, the same people could sue them for loss of interim income.

      An interesting situation, to say the least.



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