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    • April 17, 2011 10:14 AM PDT
    • [quote user="John M"]


      In all seriousness...

      when we do launch (and we will).  and we prove to be all I say... Are you going to join us?  if not, what is your purpose here?


      Jack, I'll personally be watching closely and am very interested in if you meet your launch date. It seems you are in a very competitive marketplace, yet you must be getting shiloads of interest because you The Customer Advantage is #2 on this month.

      Could you be so kind as to post a couple of examples of the merchants and/or offers that will be available on the site?


    • April 16, 2011 4:11 PM PDT
    • Jack,

      In all seriousness...

      when we do launch (and we will).  and we prove to be all I say... Are you going to join us?  if not, what is your purpose here?

    • April 16, 2011 4:10 PM PDT
    • Jack,

      Please give people more credit than these antics of yours.

      Jack, have you ever really spent time to make a positive difference in someones life? How do you have so much time to push your anger in this way?  You would be much better served to go out and influence 100 people in a positive way.  Try it, you will feel better too!  You dont know me, and really have no intent to really know me.  You make comments based on little information, speculation and lack of evidence and try to pass it off as fact.   It is harmful beyond what you can imagine.  All this because there have been delays in the launch?  that is the only thing that has happened.  I am still here, I am still moving forward yet you insult and spread this unsubstantiated nonsense!  What is your true intention, he who hides..

      question most people should ask:

      1. intent

      2. source of information


      Do we believe the legitimate person that is a REAL PERSON or the unknown he/she that is behind an anonymous name that loves to slander and spread libelous content.  Look through that blog, the owner has nothing better to do than pick random innocent people and attack.  I even saw John Maxwell listed among his attacks.

      That blog owner has never had contact with me and has not interviewed me at all.  the content is 90% inaccurate.  Not that is is pertinent to anything anyway.  It is simply an attack on my name.  Half of it had to be removed because it was false and word press closed them down temporarily due to the libelous content.  show me records of any failed business i have been in and please point me in the direction of records of this Abandoned Foreclosed house you speak of?  Show me where any of those sites Charged any amount of money ever!

      again, it is not pertinent to anything and these are just lies.


    • April 16, 2011 4:08 PM PDT
    • ok.  share your intention Jack!

      Your direction and intent is clear Jack.

      It is very easy for someone that hides behind an anonymous name with intent to harm another person.  That is the equivalent of a terrorism, isn’t it?

      Care to reveal your real self?

      Now, you speak of a bank robber etc... Don't they wear a mask?  The surely don’t stand in the open saying their name and intentions, do they?

      Which side of the equation are each of us on here?  It's apparent we are not on the same side!

      No one sent money orders or cash via fed ex.  this was all transacted through a real bank.   Jack, are you the owner of that blog?  I will gladly answer any of your questions that pertain to what is going on once you reveal your true identity.  You could also post the responses i sent to you or that blog owner whenever you like.

      who's friend are you?

    • April 16, 2011 8:09 AM PDT
    • Really??????????????? Read below.....BRAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Check this links first:     


      Here's the point that I wanted to make:

      Even though you paid nothing, your involvement in these scams helps perpetuate them. For example, you tout the growth of 1000 a day (one of them is you) and that convinces others to perhaps invest money - See my point? The driver of the get away car is as guilty as the bank robber that goes into the bank. No one looks good that actively participates in a scam. 
      This is the very attitude scammers BANK on! Look at the facts, run the numbers, and see all the red flags. But I suspect you already know this.......SURE!

      Read thread number 60!!! 

    • April 16, 2011 3:56 PM PDT
    • Jack,

      Please give people more credit than these antics of yours.

      Jack, have you ever really spent time to make a positive difference in someones life? How do you have so much time to push your anger in this way?  You would be much better served to go out and influence 100 people in a positive way.  Try it, you will feel better too!  You dont know me, and really have no intent to really know me.  You make comments based on little information, speculation and lack of evidence and try to pass it off as fact.   It is harmful beyond what you can imagine.  All this because there have been delays in the launch?  that is the only thing that has happened.  I am still here, I am still moving forward yet you insult and spread this unsubstantiated nonsense!  What is your true intention, he who hides..

      question most people should ask:

      1. intent

      2. source of information

      Do we believe the legitimate person that is a REAL PERSON or the unknown he/she that is behind an anonymous name that loves to slander and spread libelous content.  Look through that blog, the owner has nothing better to do than pick random innocent people and attack.  I even saw John Maxwell listed among his attacks.

      That blog owner has never had contact with me and has not interviewed me at all.  the content is 90% inaccurate.  Not that is is pertinent to anything anyway.  It is simply an attack on my name.  Half of it had to be removed because it was false and word press closed them down temporarily due to the libelous content.  show me records of any failed business i have been in and please point me in the direction of records of this Abandoned Foreclosed house you speak of?  Show me where any of those sites Charged any amount of money ever! 

      again, it is not pertinent to anything and these are just lies.


    • April 16, 2011 3:32 PM PDT
    • ok.  share your intention Jack!

      Your direction and intent is clear Jack.

      It is very easy for someone that hides behind an anonymous name with intent to harm another person.  That is the equivalent of a terrorism, isnt it?

      Care to reveal your real self?

      Now, you speak of a bank robber etc... Don't they wear a mask?  The surely dont stand in the open saying their name and intentions, do they?

      Which side of the equation are each of us on here?  It's apparent we are not on the same side!

      No one sent money orders or cash via fed ex.  this was all transacted through a real bank.   Jack, are you the owner of that blog?  I will gladly answer any of your questions that pertain to what is going on once you reveal your true identity.  You could also post the responses i sent to you or that blog owner whenever you like.

      who's friend are you?

    • April 16, 2011 8:13 AM PDT

       Check this links first:     


      Here's the point that I wanted to make:

      Even though PEOPLE paid nothing, your involvement in these scams helps perpetuate them. For example, you tout the growth of 1000 a day (one of them is you) and that convinces others to perhaps invest money - See my point? The driver of the get away car is as guilty as the bank robber that goes into the bank. No one looks good that actively participates in a scam. 
      This is the very attitude scammers BANK on! Look at the facts, run the numbers, and see all the red flags. But I suspect you already know this......

      Read thread number 60!!! 

    • April 16, 2011 8:01 AM PDT
    • WOW! Let's make it easier for you sweet heart Magansavatt.......

      Check this links first:     


      Here's the point that I wanted to make:

      Even though you paid nothing, your involvement in these scams helps perpetuate them. For example, you tout the growth of 1000 a day (one of them is you) and that convinces others to perhaps invest money - See my point? The driver of the get away car is as guilty as the bank robber that goes into the bank. No one looks good that actively participates in a scam. 
      This is the very attitude scammers BANK on! Look at the facts, run the numbers, and see all the red flags. But I suspect you already know this.......SURE!

      Read thread number 60!!! 


    • April 15, 2011 4:46 AM PDT
    • Hi Wallace,
      Thank you.  I have been working diligently.  I was in Denver for the first half of this week.  I  will gladly respond as I have a little more time.  I have put so much into what I am doing and I have always maintained a good name personally.  Recently there have been a few that are very dedicated to trying to discredit my name with false information and twisted truths.  It really sucks since there are so many people today that need a solution.  It seems that skepticism is very high these days!

      It takes effort to succeed in any business and unfortunately there are so many people that want to blame someone else for their failures.  Then there are those that want to justify their failures by doing all they can to bring others down! 

      I think that there is room for everyone.  I think that if we are going to make a better place, we all have to come together.  I have always believed that the measure of a leader is not by status or position of wealth.  It is earned by lifting and helping others to become more of what they desire… A better father, teacher, husband, wife, entrepreneur!  I believe that if someone is so focused on their own needs and trying to get ends to meet, they will never truly have the capacity to reach out and help another!  When you help others, by default you are helping many!

      We all have the choice to make and path to create, follow, or sit on!  When you do things that are large and game changing, you will most likely need help.  It will take a lot of people!  As you coordinate that, you will find people from all walks.  Promises will be made and depending on who you are and your character, your expectations and involvement will surface.  You will trust in people and some will let you down and others will magnificently surprise you.  How you deal with that is what shapes your own character. 

      TCA hit a few technical snags and all I can do is share what I know and information I gather from the teams I have worked to assemble.  When things do not go as planned, I have to find solutions and move forward.  When things get tough, most people quit!  I believe personal growth comes in waves and often you  can measure the size of an upcoming breakthrough by the size of the challenges you are facing.  Stopping just leaves you where you are, maybe even worse off…. Moving forward causes you to grow.  I see so many people that know truth and want to make a difference and even know how but their worry about what someone else thinks, or may think of them, stops them from ever stepping up!

      After much searching and interviewing, I met with a Branding coach and we spent 3 solid days together.  We were talking of this very thing.  He rephrased something shared with him… The 20/40/60 rule.  When you are 20 you worry about what everyone else thinks, when you are in your 40’s you could care less, when you are 60 you realize no-one was really thinking about you!

      All the things you need for great success in life are within you or within your reach.  You will have to discover them.  It will take Action.  It will take paying attention and flexibility.  It will take getting around people that think a little different, people that will support you and share.  If you worry about what others think then one of two things are happening… 1. You are not very certain about what you are doing 2.  You are living a life of limitation based on the perception you have of what others are thinking (remember, your perception is made up in YOUR mind, unless you are directly told)!  This brings me to an easy equation.  You know who YOU are and YOU decide the actions YOU will take and YOU know what is right and wrong!  When you move forward with integrity, true intention of good, in the long run, it won’t matter what anyone says about you.  When you move forward in that way, and stay on track you will naturally attract and notice the right people that will assist and your foundation will be solid.

      When you operate from truth and true intent, I believe things will come together better for you because you can easily have total conviction in what you are doing… you can easily move with CERTAINTY!  When you do that, things just come together.  People sense it and want to be part of it!  I believe we are heading into the decade of the entrepreneur.  I think more people than ever are going to have to grow and find ways of self-reliance!  That comes from expanding your thinking and knowledge.  I also believe that you will grow proportionately to those you help grow.  You learn as much from teaching as you do from being a student.  With 5 kids, I can certainly say, they have taught me a lot too!  When you share, you establish more understanding of your own knowledge and the areas you are a bit lacking.  The more you share the more distinctions and discovery you will make.

      I think your connections are what help you succeed too (ALL connections).  It is what Malcolm Gladwell refers to in his book “tipping point”.  Are you a happy person?  Everywhere you go, do you make it a point to alter someone’s state, get a smile, a bigger smile, a laugh?   Do you offer comfort and encouragement?  If you do that, not only do you yourself begin to feel better but people will want to be around you!  Most everyone knows this but so few practice it!

      Realize that when you begin to reach out and lift others, you have to be in a certain state of mind to do that.  As you attempt this you will ask your brain a different question  “what is good here?”, “How does this help…X?”  “what is something good in the world that would make this person smile?”  You see, when you move through the world in this way you begin to notice different possibilities and eventually it becomes a habit and a way of thinking.  At that time, everything changes.  People want to help, they want to be around you and you will have true friends.

      You have to become honest with yourself about this.  Entrepreneurship is challenging for a lot of people because it is about personal growth first!  

      When you are self employed you have to look in the mirror and say “if I had an employee that performed as I did today, would I have a job?  Would I be satisfied with the results?”.  For most, it is far easier to blame something outside themselves.  You will certainly face challenges and there is no such thing as failure unless you quit!  If you move forward you have new knowledge, new distinctions and experience.  I often say the difference between catastrophe and no big deal is experience!  Experience comes from recovering from a few near catastrophe’s!

      Life is a journey and if all you do is focus on a few snapshots, you are frozen there!  Snapshots can be of any moment and depending on that moment, it can be perceived as a failure or success.   However, When you view the journey you see that each snapshot was what lead you to the next snapshot.  Each snapshot was part of the journey so by default it was a necessary step in the process.  Cool thing is, this snapshot here now, is the map to your next snapshot.  Each step forward creates a new map for your direction… You have to pay attention!   If you stop here, sure it could be called a failure but if you create a new snapshot and move forward, you are moving to success. 

      I have been here before.  When you are moving forward so many people will portray their own beliefs to you.  They are merely stating their own limited mindset and thinking.  You’ll hear things like… that won’t work, that’s not possible, and a million excuses and variations of limited thinking.  They are quick to discredit you.  They may even attack you!  Then as you move forward and succeed…. Those same people are right there saying, Man I knew you were onto something big, I knew you were going to succeed! 

      One of my weaknesses is that I want to provide definitive solutions and also give what others are asking for!  In that light, I put my foot in my mouth with TCA a bit because so many were pressing for an absolute date.  There are so many dynamics at play here and many components that must work right.   It is clear to everyone that we are in pre-launch yet most just don’t hear or understand what that means.  They are stuck in a snapshot!  TCA will absolutely happen, I commit that with certainty.  Think of it like a series of gears that all have to fit together and move in unison.  You get one gear to large or with bad teeth or whatever, you can leave it there and be stuck or you identify it and replace it.   If a stone gets in the gears, you either leave it and be stuck or you remove the stone!

      Ah, I could go on and there is a lot on this topic.  It comes down to who YOU are and who you DECIDE to BE!  Both good and bad exist simultaneously in the world and you will notice what you focus on!  Just like the last car you bought was suddenly everywhere on the road the day after you bought it.  They were always there, you just focused on it.

      I wish everyone success in all they do and most of all, lift others and BE the difference of GOOD!  Stand for something significant!


      John Milanoski

    • April 14, 2011 10:48 PM PDT
    • Hey John, I was hoping you would come back to this thread even if not to discuss a launch date or give any info you're not ready to give. I thought it was really cool of you to respond, especially when people are fast to criticize, including myself in the past. I am obviously not in objection of you sharing vital info such as when you feel you might be ready to launch etc, but generally, I think it would be really neat to have a founder here to discuss mlms, and maybe things they have learned in the past. I can't promise no one else will drill you for information regarding The Customer Advantage, but I myself would sort of like to do a mini forum interview if you will. I was wondering which, if any other mlms/products you found interesting on a personal level? Not asking you to endorse anything, just if there were any companies you felt were strong, or had products you appreciate. I was also wondering if you had any advice for entrepreneurs in regard to helpful selling tips, good advice in general regarding the industry?

      If I may ask one more question, are there any mlm plans you feel are nothing but trouble, and why? I certainly hope you return to hang out with us, as I appreciated your gesture in trying to respond to the people generally concerned with the status of The Customer Advantage. It says a lot when the creator him/herself gets involved with critics and enthusiasts alike. I think its pretty safe to say no one is going to be overly critical or attack you or your company. In any event, I reiterate my condolences in regard to your grandfather, and I hope you get back on your feet soon, good luck!

    • April 11, 2011 12:52 AM PDT
    • I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather sir, you have my sincere condolences. As far as twisting your words, I hope you don't feel like a target here, I think its great that you came out and communicated at all. I want to reiterate that while I have no experience at all doing what you do, I am not qualified to say whether or not its difficult or easy, but I will assume its a monumental task. I'm not a business man, not at all, I am lucky if can keep track of what I have in my bank account, so I can relate especially to those individuals who put their energy into these types of ventures. An MLM company itself, let alone it's CEO, can definitely be food for some ravenous critics, and I can tell you I myself have been brutal toward the more ridiculous companies, but that isn't my intention here, so I hope you don't feel as though I was slinging mud in my last post. I sincerely do hope that The Customer Advantage succeeds, and that life for you, and the company's reps improve for everyone all around. Nothing wrong with being a private person, just keep in mind that your venture involves many, many people, including the "invisibles" that are on the verge of joining but are waiting to see more stable ground first.

      Good luck to you sir.

    • April 11, 2011 12:30 AM PDT
    • Wallace, you are right!  Anyone can SAY what they want about me on the net.  I guess I made myself a target once I stepped up to BE proactive about something that is effecting many people.

      I am grateful for every person that has been involved.  I am grateful for every person I meet.  I am especially grateful for those that genuinely want to make a difference.  My words will be twisted in many ways and I suppose that comes from my lack of experience with people that just want to do harm or manipulate for their own gain.

      Fact is, I have been a very private person. My Grandfathers passing and other issues severely interrupted my schedule.  I am back now and catching up.

      I do appreciate everyone completely and I am letting them know that I will carry on as promised.  I have at every step stated that.  On each call I have said thank you.  It will not matter what I say for someone will grab it and twist for their own direction.  that is ok.  Time will reveal where this ends up.

      Respect to All is what I ask!

    • April 10, 2011 11:53 PM PDT
    • Hi John, and welcome to Repspace, I have no particular reason to believe you aren't who you say you are, so I'll genuinely appreciate you joining up and leaving word. Its common here for us to be pretty tough on companies, but we also appreciate when people can withstand it and stand through to prove that they really are being forthcoming. I was on the fence with The Customer Advantage, I was leaning toward thinking it was a failed concept, not necessarily a scam, but things weren't looking good. Like most projects under development, be it a film, a computer program, a business structure in this case; time is definitely better spent refining the product than pushing it out to meet pre-mature demands. In this case, I'd like to comment on something you said that I don't think is entirely fair toward the people that you feel insist on a launch date.

      "The mistake I made was in trying to satisfy those impatient people that insist they must have a day! Honestly, those same people are the ones that have done the least! There are a lot of people that sure make a lot of noise but have done very little."

      Now If I were at the helm of a potential company, a grand idea that I have put my blood, sweat, tears and money into, I think I would be a bit more grateful for the individuals that even listened to what I had to say. How many people took the time and effort to get involved, regardless of whether membership was free or not? How many people expended their energy to get excited, to study the product, the plan, and cruise forums just like this one battling against all us naysayers, and maintaining their faith for YOU sir. How many of these people, who may not have spent a dollar of their money, but spent much of their time and energy getting other people (including family and friends) revved up, which really was free advertising, and company building for you. literally. Out of curiosity, and I am asking this genuinely; since there was no product to buy, no launch date, and very little communication or progress exposure, exactly what COULD they have done?

      What you wrote up there doesn't sound like the words of a very grateful person, and I don't feel that you have the right to expect that they sit idle while there are so many signs around them that this isn't turning out the way it should, and the signs are there, regardless of the reasons. What you have in mind may very well be awesome, great idea, great market, great potential, but this kind of thing involves structure building, not just for you, but for the thousands of people who were/are prepared to invest, basically in you. That is something to really cherish, and really appreciate, after all, the composer is useless without the little guys that make up his or her orchestra, and I would like to think he or she might show them the appreciation they deserve, instead of getting upset when they complain they are missing a sheet.

    • April 10, 2011 6:48 PM PDT
    • Hi Everyone!

      Just thought I would pop in here to give my 2 cents!

      I am John Milanoski...

      Ordinarily, I avoid most posts but this seems to have some people with genuine integrity and sincerity.

      I appreciate and understand your concerns.  Yes, we are pre-launch and I have actually been working on the components of TCA since Jan 2010.  There is much more than what you see on the surface.  It does however take preparation.  There are so many components that I think most people from the outside overlook in business.  From A to Z, Technology to Banking!

      Please understand, many close friends that had been abreast of all that I was putting together as things evolved began to beg to sign up!  My original thought was that it would be a great way to get feedback from REAL people.  Since the people I was introducing this to happen to be just your average neighborhood friend (not a massive marketing maverick).  I thought it would be controllable!  I just shared my message and intention and then things quickly took off!

      There are many components and teams that I am working with.  It has to be done right because I know this could easily go to 10 million members rather quickly and the infrastructure has to be there.  As we gathered feedback we found things we wanted to implement and we did have some issues on our platform and looked at many options through our development.  We are just fine tuning those things now.  We moved to new servers and things did not go as smooth as anticipated so it was just a little slow down.

      I know those that are impatient and hear what they want to hear are looking for a date of launch – You signed up and saw that it is PRE LAUNCH.  You've heard me say it too.  NO ONE WANTS this to launch more than I!  I have much invested.  My time, my efforts, my money.  You can rest assured that I will not walk away EVER!  I will see it through.  All businesses face certain challenges at each stage.  Some businesses face the challenges right up front and they get dealt with.  Some have a smooth launch but face challenges later.  Either way EVERY business will face a challenge at some point or another.  The question you have to ask yourself is this...

      When the challenge arises... will John Milanoski rise to the occasion?  I can tell you right now, if you think this is all about money… there are 1000 other ways I could make much easier money (oh wait, i haven't made any money at all yet).  I am committed to this and I structured things for free to buy your patience and skew your skepticism.

      You can wait, that is up to you.  I assure you, TCA will launch.  The mistake I made was in trying to satisfy those impatient people that insist they must have a day!  Honestly, those same people are the ones that have done the least!   There are a lot of people that sure make a lot of noise but have done very little.

      The long term player understands.  I cannot speak for other companies but I surely am thinking far beyond next month, this year or the next 4 years!  In that perspective, I am not so worried about when we launch as long as it is right!

      We have more than 1000 businesses on board right now.  We also have the ability through 2 separate agreements to reach over 9 million businesses as quickly as we need!

      This is a company built by members for members, so if you really wonder if you can have success here, LOOK right in the mirror and ask that person!

      I have nothing to hide.  My name and face are on each aspect of TCA to prove that to you. 

      This is my effort to make a difference in the world.  Please realize that you have the opportunity to be part of it.  I think everyone wants to make a difference but so many do not know what to do… This is that plan!

      Hopefully you will make your own choice! 

      John Milanoski
      (Your partner in making a difference!)

    • April 14, 2011 10:36 PM PDT
    • Lol, I hate to say it Rick, but Yvonne made a good point, as funny as those pictures are. This is the kind of thing that contributes to a person's perception of a company, and we all agree that the concept offered by The Customer Advantage is pretty cool, so it might be fair to say that we would all like to see it succeed. Did you know that John Milanoski actually posted here, and at least assured us that the company was still in the go, but that he had some personal downtime related to the death of a family member. I have to say I had to really respect the guy for posting and giving some type of statement, because I wasn't certain if he had made any updates at all anywhere for awhile. I really don't know if the company is going down, is coming up or what, but if the man's word is worth anything to most people, he did say all was ok.

      He expressed some aggravation with a lot of the criticism but also seemed to understand where it comes from and seemed genuinely interested in following through with his company, and being a bit more open about his plans. I still think this thread is hilarious though, just saying that maybe we will see them launch and a lot of people's worries and concerns will be put to rest. I'd obviously prefer to be wrong about my past assessments and see a whole lot of people succeed. I guess we will see what happens, but I stand by my biggest criticism about the whole thing, and that is that you can't have too many people dangling on a string with no update, no launch date, no word, it just doesn't work that way. I think maybe this is a case of trying and succeeding in a very big way to get your plans exposed, but not getting the gears moving in line with the monstrous enthusiasm you create. The man succeeded flawlessly with getting everyone's attention, maybe the second half of his game plan will be just as potent?

      I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    • April 12, 2011 4:43 AM PDT
    • I am ashamed to say Mr Downs, that I read half way through this post before realizing that you were joking, I swear I though you were going all David Icke on us lmao. Seriously though, for what its worth, I think this was a bit harsh, despite what little information there has been available to all of us, I have never felt as though The Customer Advantage is a scam. It might be failing sure, but yall are so fast to jump on the bandwagon of doom. Why is that? Have you ever stopped to think that they may be having an incredibly rough start, but that with only a bit of faith, and some patience among the masses that its posts just like the ones here at Repspace that have the power to make or break? Just something to think about, though I found this thread very amusing lol..

    • March 31, 2011 11:45 PM PDT
    • Oh Jeez, Rick Strikes again! Did you really sit there at your computer doing that to photographs? lol

    • March 31, 2011 1:48 AM PDT
    • ??????!!!!

    • March 30, 2011 11:59 PM PDT
    • This is not a story or a gag, nor am I making this up.


      It has come to my attention that The Customer Advantage is actually an extra terrestrial movement geared toward the eradication of all human life, with survivors to be sold as slaves on the planet Pyramedia. Please don't leave the thread yet, as crazy as this may sound, I actually have proof. Below I have provided the first ever documented pictures of our extra terrestrial overlord and a few other pieces of evidence that I think will give you more than enough reason to see this the same way that I do. Notice first, the picture that we are all used to and have been taught to believe is just an innovative tower built in the Alien capital of the world, Seattle.

      This is actually a Customer Advantage UFO pad, that makes contact with an underground monolith. The signal it generates gives people all over North America the sensation that joining up at this point is still a good idea. If you still don't believe me, please observe this photo of John Milanoski, AKA Millionoid The Omniscient.


      He is a squadron leader from a planet close to the Zeta Reticuli star system, and also a part of the Reptilian agenda. If you don't know what that is, maybe you need to get out more....

      Please note, the eyes. To those of you schooled in the world of marketing and advertising, you might first dismiss this photo as a truly awful photo shop job on his eyes, but the truth of the matter is that he is in fact an alien. I had the photo professionally un-altered and what you are about to look at is absolutely astonishing, and may be disturbing to some. Please close the thread if you have a hard time with this subject.

      This is my proof, and a warning to all of you that have joined or are thinking of joining The Customer Advantage, you have no idea what you're dealing with.


    • April 2, 2011 6:47 AM PDT
    • TCA needs to set a date for launch and then DO IT!   Otherwise, current members will find themselves working hard to recruit members and sign up businesses and then losing them as people lose interest and momentum by never seeing anything happen.  John is asking a LOT of people to join his company and commit to working to put members in his business model when they can see nothing advancing.

      I know I have already lost people that signed up weeks ago.  Not only that, since email addresses are private, I can't even contact my downline to keep them informed. All that work & poof its gone.

      And when speaking to a business owner, exactly what am I supposed to say about when they will be able to roll out their offers? 

      I surmise that since John says he is financing this out of his pocket, his current staff is no doubt rail thin.  No way can they respond to support for 80,000 members. But if that's the case, ne needs to go back to the drawing board. This becomes a catch-22.  With no support, many who signed up will vanish and lose interest.  How can people maintain interest and commitment to nothing?

      And just as disturbing are the boring conference calls on Thursdays where John keeps giving the rah rah speeches but no questions are answered.  They pretend to answer questions, but anyone can tell it is staged to appear to be answering listeners' questions.  Instead, it's just them asking and answering what they want.  No one is even doing the minimum by filling up the back office FAQ section with tons of questions and answers. 

      I certainly don't know if it's a scam.  Who would, except for John and maybe even Daniel.  Other than building a HUGE email and mailing list, I can't see how such a scam would benefit anyone unless somewhere down the road, John does start trying to sell members some "side" deal.  Something like that was briefly mentioned on the conference call on May 28.  It sounded quite suspicious.  John mentioned something along the lines of:  "We have found this great new method of recruiting members where people will just sign up . .  wouldn't that be great?"  It went something like that.  An it would NOT be free.  Then he said it was something they did not want to share RIGHT NOW because it could spoil some grand plan.  Gimme a break.  In a a business model where you need people to get involved, why would you want to hold back a novel idea.  Pure horse manure and an insult to my brain.  That was nothing more than a ploy to try to build interest and mystery.

      I know they better get those conference calls more focused.  Each one I've heard sounded like John just ran in from the toilet & jumped on the phone with no thought or plans.  Then he just talks & talks & talks & talks a bunch of motivation nonsense about why the concept is so great - and then wham, the call is over.  We all know Groupon s great.  But TCA is at square -2 and I predict it will not make it.

      My final comment is about all the goofs in spelling and grammar everywhere on welcome messages, the business sign-up page, etc.  If all you have to back up your plan is your written info and your web site, at least make that present well.  Heck, John could use some high school kid to log on the site and check that.

      Okay, my 8 cents worth.

    • March 30, 2011 1:40 PM PDT
    • My wife and I were checking out Customer Advantage. It didn't seem like a scam but we question how CA was going to sign up enough businesses who were willling to offer discounts in order to get more customers. It seemed that there were too many factors involved to make it all fit together to get it off the ground or launched.

    • March 29, 2011 10:17 PM PDT
    • Hi Laura, my advice (not that I am an expert by any means) but based on my own research and that of some of our more knowledgeable forum posters, I would let it go and put your effort and money into something more viable. For one thing, this email was sent to several people, (I swiped a copy from forum poster Chris) that states:

      We wanted to send you an update regarding the Team Builders. We have been inundated with questions and problems regarding the pending launch of TCA. It has gotten to a point were we are putting in too much time trying to answer questions of which, we do not have all of the answers. We have tried to contact the corporate office to get some answers and have been mostly unsuccessful. We have made suggestions from weekly updates to leadership calls so the team leaders can share the informational updates with their teams. All of our suggestions seem to have fallen on deaf ears. We did receive a response from the corporate office this week to some of our questions. We were not impressed with the answers. We included the latest email response for your review. or .

      Due to inability of the company to communicate with us, we are putting our TCA business on hold. We still firmly believe in the concept of The Customer Advantage but we can't honestly continue to invest or time to the extent that we have over the past month. We have put our lives on hold to build this system and our organization. Throughout this time, we have received limited support from the corporate office. Our issues are with lack of communication and support, lack of corporate updates, planning, and deadlines.

      We will leave the Team Builders site up and keep it running. We will not be moderating the forum and we are cancelling our weekly conference call. If you continue to recruit new members to TCA and plan to use the welcome letter, please adjust it with this information. If you would have questions or problems (or getting questions from your downline), we suggest you contact either : or

      So while even though it isn't official, they seem to be falling apart. The major indicators basically speak for themselves; No definitive launch date, program and video conference development, yet no launch date. Rumors of problems within the ranks, no follow up on criticism at the company's own forum and eventually it was taken down, which means either a lack of man power to address the issues, or lack of answers, and that sort of speaks for itself.

      I don't think in this case that The Customer Advantage was a scam, but I do think it was/did/is falling apart, and that whatever went wrong, it has left the company debilitated. You can always get involved with something else and maybe, just maybe TCA will be saved, but I doubt it. There are a few companies like Moolala, that are just like it however that work on the same idea, maybe give them a try?