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    • July 10, 2011 12:44 AM PDT
    • So sorry to hear about all of those who have suffered at the hands of this man.  He is definitely the person I knew years ago in Chicago when he was in town promoting Financial Freedom a multi level marketing scheme.  Although I am only out $100 I had heard second that he had taken over $25,000 from one or two older couples from Chicago.  At the time this became known he was leaving town in his Porsche and his friend and business partner at the time Harvey mentioned he and Mark would be starting a new business in Canada.  My gut told me he was dangerous. I never heard anything more.


      Recently, I was on the dating site and believe I found his profile.  Go to  and look up  Marksamillion .  It says he is in Pompano Beach, age 54, etc..   I am not 100% certain but I believe this is your man.  Ironically one of his dislikes on his profile is 'dislikes anything illegal or underhanded'!  

      Sorry for your loss and wishing you success in getting some justice!

    • November 2, 2010 4:03 AM PDT
    • Has anyone recovered a single dime from Mark Guest yet?

      Is he still at Kaching Kaching?

    • May 25, 2010 1:06 AM PDT
    • For those interested he is working with a company near Las Vegas.

      Beyond Commerce / KachingKaching

      located at 750 Coronado Center Dr., Suite 120, Henderson, NV


      This company is also crooked and owes lots of people money. Rumor has it he is in the office a couple times a week.




    • May 21, 2010 6:29 AM PDT
    • I have a Mark Guest link for you if your still looking for him.


    • July 3, 2011 11:34 PM PDT
    • Thank you so much for your response! It actually helped me quite bit. I went down your list and already shaved a few unnecessary parts of my schedule down. I also went on a search to find some free business management software and a few of the programs helped but it seems like the most useful stuff requires you to pay for it, and I'm ok with that, I just want to be able to try it out with 100% access before committing the funds for it. The biggest issue with all of the free ones is that they are all separate and each comes with parts of the program I don't need. I don't want to jump back and forth between several applications if I can somehow manage to get them all consolidated. Anywho! thank you for the great response, and I will let you know what I end up settling on. <3

    • July 1, 2011 7:35 AM PDT
    • Heya Irataages, I'm sorry you are experiencing a bit of a brain scramble. I am honestly the last guy that is qualified to dish out some advice on management and organization, especially considering the fact that I can barely maintain a balanced array of relaxation methods. I just don't know what I should do first, play Castle Age, or work in the yard lol. I do however sympathize, and wanted to at least try to help you find an answer since I have seen a few programs that are at least worth looking at. In fact, maybe you really don't need a program per say, but just to learn a few tricks that busy people use unconsciously. I can hit you with a series of links that I found to be helpful on a very fundamental level. Try not to laugh at the first one, its primitive but you'd be surprised how even the most intelligent of us can overlook the really basic areas we could apply some effortless change to.

      This covers organization on a basic level, that gray area that we skip over in favor of looking for a personal secretary as you put it. I would actually benefit from this since I'm about as organized as a 12 year old kid's room. it goes into looking at how much time you have to look at and develop your organizational skills, where you need it, and where the chaos is stemming from.

      Here's another one on home office organization. You may or may not have a home office, but given the kinds of success you have shared with us about your experience with Pampered Chef, you probably need one now. It doesn't have to be much, even just a desk with a bulletin board you can tack things onto will help out a lot. My fiancee would be lost without hers. The article gives you tips on how to organize your home office, so now that you have this article, make sure to go get an office seriously.

      I see you have a computer obviously, or at least access to one since you visit us here on Repspace. Is it a desktop or a laptop? I'm a gamer, so life isn't normal if I don't have a desktop with an HD monitor and a $400 graphics card pumping out frames. You on the other hand, you don't need much to apply a PC to business. Some storage drives and programs that handle your finances, calendar dates, inventory, whatever you have to worry about would be ideal. I don't recommend more than one program, many of them will do all of it for you. I actually get by on 1 single time sheet each week, and it took me weeks to get used to a simple Open Office time sheet doc lol, and I STILL fill it out with tons of screw ups. If you have a desktop, get a cheap but reliable laptop, a few zip drives and if necessary, an external hard drive to back up your stuff. Try Dell, or Gateway, which makes me cringe to say because I build computers and my monsters kick the crap out of anything those companies can give you any day, BUT, they do make the technology affordable, and again you don't need a supercomputer to run a business.

      Last but not least, you can always try network marketing forums and ask for advice....hah, just kidding, although it was a smart move. I can't really recommend any particular software aside from what I find on a search engine, because I don't use any, and again I'm not qualified to say what works and what doesn't. I wish you well though, and I hope you find exactly what you need, and that my babbling helped at least a little.

    • July 1, 2011 2:47 AM PDT
    • Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile but I have been super busy just trying to keep my head on my shoulders lately and it is in that very struggle I am looking for help with. As some of you may know, I have been having some awesome success with Pampered Chef, and I am so grateful for the fun I'm having, but this is the first business I've ever attempted, and despite the fact that I'm making tons of money I'm worn out from running around in circles. I am having to meet people who seem to be consistently late, and that's ok until I have to meet another client and not lose quality of conversation with either of them. I can't seem to keep track of my phone appointments, my sales numbers my product and my information database. I need software, or a secretary! or something before I completely lose my mind. I don't know if any of you work with some kind of activity management software, but if you do and know of nay please let me know because I'm desperate. The few programs I have found that I think I would even know how to use don't seem to be very well liked in reviews, but at the same time, I'm not a CEO or a marketing engineer, I just need a digital secretary, something that can update me, even go as far as to act as an appointment alarm.

      HELP! :p

    • June 19, 2011 10:58 PM PDT
    • Very cool, I hope we see alot more activity from these guys in the future and that they continue to deliver such a legitimate and interesting effort. We need more of this in the direct marketing world.

    • June 12, 2011 1:54 PM PDT
    • Hi Gingerleaf. I was introduced to Camu Gold in January of this year. (By the way, it has a tart taste to it.) I spend 90% of the year traveling, domestic and  international, and have never experienced a fruit like the Camu camu berry. The Camu Gold has improved my energy level and the ability to mentally focus, even on days when I've had to endure the 13 hour flight from Detroit to Tokyo! I stopped taking other synthetic OTC immune boosters, and for the first time in 6 years, I didn't have as much as a case of the sniffles this winter/spring.

      As for the ethics of the company, Amazon Herb was founded by "Amazon" John Easterling 21 years ago. He has been a tireless advocate of the indigenous tribes and has helped to represent many of them in land-rights negotiations. Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society recently released a PBS documentary showcasing Amazon Herb Company and calling it 'the strongest testament that keeping the forest alive and productive is more economically profitable than cutting it down.' Amazon John also established ACEER-The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research.

      Having experienced my own positive results with the products, and understanding the amazing Global vision of the company, I became an Associate last month. I took the time to visit the home office in Jupiter, FL and can tell you they walk the talk. Their focus on the Global vision is what set them apart from other opportunities for me and I found a great resonance with them.

      Have a look at this link to get a better picture of the company and the vision. After exploring that page, if you'd like to continue this discussion, please contact me through . Thanks for your post!

    • June 6, 2011 2:16 AM PDT
    • Hey guys, this is actually a really cool looking company, although I'm pressed to find a ton of people that have experience with it on the internet. There is a lot of good stuff people have to say, and virtually no scam reports. If people at home are as happy with it as they seem to be, then Its a good indicator that people in the jungle are too. Robert Butwin is in the company, and he seems to have a really good reputation as a solid leader and a good guy. I can't say much else as I really don't know anything about them, but when it comes to companies like this, no bad news is good news lol


    • June 3, 2011 3:44 AM PDT
    • Hello to you Gingerleaf.

      It is a pleasure for me to read your wonderful post, and to introduce your company for us to learn about. I have had this discussion many times with my American friends, as well as with others from India, and there is a balance of individuals who feel that corporate presence in 3rd world countries has both negative and positive effects. In the case of the Amazon, I think many of the indigenous peoples have had bad experiences with pharmaceutical companies. I'm certain that homes were lost, land has been stolen or ruined. In some cases it is possible that cultures have been tainted with drug related problems and other more Western cultural norms. There is however the other side of the argument, in which making contact and employing tribes gives them the opportunity to excel and learn sciences, to evolve into what many of us consider a "higher quality" of life. If that means teaching medicine, math, science and agriculture, then it is very possible that companies such as Amazon Herb Company are blessings, and leaving a better world behind.

      In Africa, many Western companies employ poverty to strip mines for diamonds under terrible conditions. In the Amazon, tribes are destroyed, and forests are destroyed in an attempt at accessing mass amounts of medicinal growth. I am to be a very optimistic spirit and hope that there are good companies willing to give as much as they get to the beautiful people they meet in other parts of the world. In my home town of Panaji, I remember as a boy companies that came to help us with our water. Schools were opened which I was able to attend, and often our grandparents resented these companies because they were employing Indian men, many of whom were changing religious beliefs, speaking English, and abandoning very old ways. So they had much resentment, but no longer were many of the children drinking from the river, or begging on the streets, and we were all very eager to work.

      It is my hope that Amazon Herb Company offers the same improvements to a culture, but it is also important that we not assume any culture different from ours is in need of such improvements. Technology is not in and of itself an improvement, if the populace no longer enjoys the same life they lived before. To do my best to help you Ginger, I couldn't comment on this company as an investment because there is no information about what they have to offer, but if company is truly doing what they say that have done for these native tribes, then it is a safe bet to assume they will be fair, and certainly not a scam. One must be cautious however of public relations, because as we all know that company image is always under the brightest of lights, and sweeping what is ugly beneath the carpet. There can only be so many sources available to you when seeking the truth. I hope I have helped you.


    • June 2, 2011 6:21 AM PDT
    • Hello to all of you, I am interested in your opinions regarding an organic mlm company I've recently come across known as Amazon Herb Company. In my experience there haven't been too many opportunities that would allow individuals like me to participate in an mlm organization. I am a consumer of strictly organic products ranging from the food I consume, to the clothes that I wear, and even things such as toothpaste, laundry detergent and many other products. Not long ago I was hoping I found my dream company in an mlm company known as Organic Acres, unfortunately it fell short of the quality standards that we all expect from any kind of service that we pay for, especially the delivery of our food.

      Since then, I have researched a few different mlm companies that could fit into my chosen lifestyle and knowing that there are many experts here who might be able to help me with my decision, I was hoping to get some thoughts from other forum members regarding Amazon Herb Company. I deeply value any company that truly cares about being certified as a fair trade company, I wanted to find a company that works along side the indigenous people of the rainforests, who contributes to their community, and to their lives, and not just as an employer of harvesters. There are many indigenous tribes throughout the Peruvian rainforests. These are people with firsthand knowledge of where to find remote herbs, spices and medicinally valuable extracts that we often take for granted.

      As a culture we have come to rely on this knowledge in order to help sustain the quality living conditions that we enjoy, but take for granted each and every day. According to my research, Amazon Herb Company has found a way to bring these people as much in return, as they have given of themselves. Many of these contributions include projects and support, assistance in granting land rights, communications equipment, such as solar powered radio cells, water filtration systems, boats, motors, irrigation technology, and even radio programming designed with native culture in mind. In addition, it is suggested that Amazon Herb Company has also given medical supplies, herbs not native to Peru, and the ability to trade hand crafted items with peoples they might normally not have access to.

      Although even I find myself slightly bored with this particular type of product line, they have some truly amazing product ideas that I believe would be very beneficial to many of us here in large cities, especially in areas with little to no sun light. One product offering is called "Camu Gold" which is described as a certified concentrate of the Camu Camu berry which is known for containing a very powerful blend of nutrients that have an unusually noticeable "lifting" effect on your mood while also giving you a burst of energy. It's also worth pointing out that the Camu Camu berry is actually the most potent source of vitamin C in the world.

      The product goes for around $30, though I have no knowledge of what it tastes like, or how effective it is, I'm excited to know that there is something I think might be potentially worthwhile, and something I might be able to get involved with. I want to point out that Amazon Herb Company makes much more than that product, they also make Tea, Energy shakes, fiber, and a few other great looking products. The main concern for me was that they were not exploiting the Peruvian natives, and to the best of my ability, all research shows that they are actually doing quite a bit for them.

      I really don't understand compensation plans, so I was hoping someone here with a kind heart could maybe tell me what they think of this company from a business standpoint and let me know if its a safe bet for me to consider getting involved? I would deeply appreciate it!

    • March 11, 2011 1:23 AM PST
    • Jim,

      I know it has been awhile since you posted this question, thought  I would add my experience with facebook ads.

      Yes most of facebook ads are based on PPC. I have never used google PPC but from what I hear FB, is simpler to use and get started with.

      I do not have any experience with Traffic 3.0........... I don't find it beneficial to pay someone to resell advice on keywords, (basically helping them make money and taking focus off of what you are intending to do)

      Facebook ads are easy to set up, I say this with NO experience other than FB, You have total design control and you can actually get Great estimates on cost before you take it online....

      Daily budget??????? You have the option of going from $1.00 to $1million, lol

      When I started using the ads, (prior to traffic 3.0 and everyone else jumping onboard) you could get great keywords for cent on the dollar to google PPC.

      Now................. I don't think this is the case. Your rates are lower but still similar to Google.

      Good Luck! 

    • November 21, 2010 5:48 AM PST
    • A Question about Facebook Advertising:

      I have been thinking about advertising on Facebook.

      I see that there are a lot of marketing programs that claim to teach how to do Facebook Advertising effectively.

      Is it all based on PPC?

      Does Jonathan Budd's Traffic 3.0 program teach anything other than how to resell the Traffic 3.0 program using Facebook PPC advertising?

      What is the average PPC cost on Facebook for a campaign targeted toward MLM or Network Marketing?

      What is a typical daily budget?

      What is a typical click through rate for a Facebook advertising campaign?

      Do you need a certain click through rate to remain active?

      Thanks in advance.


    • February 27, 2011 9:37 PM PST
    • MLM Rankings are updated each month once new metrics and data is availble.

    • February 26, 2011 8:18 AM PST
    • How often are the MLM rankings on updated?

    • November 2, 2010 7:55 AM PDT
    • I have found a few company specific groups in the "groups" section.

      Does anyone know how to set up a new group for a primary company that not currently listed??


      Tony Fisher

    • October 15, 2010 3:50 AM PDT
    • Christmas Around the World apparently closed a few years ago.

      Does anyone know a comperable home party business that offers similar seasonal products?

    • October 6, 2010 7:47 AM PDT
    • Nuverus was a 'relaunch' of a prior business. They moved from Illinois to Florida.

      Doesn't look like the relaunch went very well. It's not unusual for 'executives' to flee a failing company like rats jumping from a sinking ship ( pardon the analogy, but it often fits ). Next, they try to distance themselves from the company - especially in the day and age of the Internet where a history of failed companies one was involved in can be followed with the click of a mouse.

      Nuverus seems to be taking a nose dive based on metrics from Not surprising that execs would leave. I tried to call the corporate phone, just got voicemail. One of those clever voicemails that say "We're busy helping other reps, but leave a message and we'll call you back" which really means there's no one in the cubicle at the office 'suite' they rent from Office Space Etc. That's a huge red flag about the vitality of a company.

      Trend Period Public Interest Comparison Graph
      JUL 2010
      JUN 2010
      MAY 2010
      APR 2010
      MAR 2010
      FEB 2010
      JAN 2010
      DEC 2009
      NOV 2009
      OCT 2009
      SEP 2009

    • October 6, 2010 3:25 AM PDT
    • Is Nuverus still an ongoing business?

      I was told that most of the executive team that were listing on the site for their relaunch last august are no longer with the company. Looks like all these people have left. None of their info is still on the NuVerus site.

      Is the company closing?

      David Bowen, Executive Vice President, Nuverus

      Dave has more than 15 years experience in sales and executive leadership tracking consistent cross-functional, cross-industry success driving diverse privately and publicly held medical service companies to attain peak value potential. Dave has crafted corporate vision and branded leadership strategy to accelerate growth in niche industries through developing long-range/strategic plans. Dave has been responsible for the formulation and leadership of business development teams to drive new and organic growth through the nurturing of a culture that focuses on relationship building, integrity, innovation and implementation. Dave brings to NuVerus a well rounded background that includes strong relationships in a variety of industries through his professional career as well as his charitable ventures such as the Celebrity Amputee Golf Classic that he founded in 2002. Dave has formed lifelong friendships with leaders in business, entertainment, professional sports and government that are invaluable resources to team NuVerus.



      Donnie Reynolds, Chief Operating Officer, Nuverus

      Donnie Reynolds, Chief Operating Officer, began his career as a Cryptologic Warfare Analyst and Arabic/Russian linguist for the U.S. Army. He leveraged his experience in cryptology into a career of designing robust and secure databases and business platforms. He specializes in health and wellness systems and has architected or re-architected enterprise-class systems for WebMD-Emdeon Business Services, University of Texas Medical Branch, Corrections Corporation of America, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, American Healthways, Renal Advantage, Inphact/Evolved Digital, Healthstream, Digiscript, AmSurg, Renal Care Group, and others. Before joining AHCS, he served as BI Practice Manager for Comframe Software and led his own Business Intelligence consulting company, Reynolds & Associates, LLC. He is a sought after speaker in the U.S. and Europe on Business Intelligence, abstraction architectures, and Better Practices™. Donnie also serves his community, including a stint as Executive Director for a children’s advocacy center.



      Sean Duffy, Chief Financial Officer, Nuverus

      Sean brings years of experience working with high growth Companies in the health and wellness arena as both a financial and legal advisor on Wall Street and as a senior executive. Sean holds a B.A. with honors from Pomona College, a J.D. from the University of Virginia and an MBA from Oxford University.

    • August 13, 2010 11:02 AM PDT
    • In this month’s “Executive Connection,” Direct Selling News Publisher and Editor in Chief John Fleming speaks to Scentsy’s Founders, Orville and Heidi Thompson, CEO and Executive Vice President, respectively, about their vision, the company’s challenges and much more.

      DSN: What is the one thing you enjoy most about being a top executive of Scentsy?
      Heidi: I enjoy helping create the new fragrances. That’s my favorite part.
      Orville: I feel like I have thousands of friends.

      DSN: What has been your greatest challenge?
      Heidi: I am very uncomfortable being out in front public speaking, doing interviews—things like that make me really uncomfortable. It’s been a huge challenge for me. When we first started, I did the books, and I sat by myself in a room. Now, to do a convention, be onstage, that’s out of my comfort zone. I do it, but I still get nervous.
      Orville: Keeping my ego in check. I don’t want to change, and it’s really hard not to change when you go from owning a failed biz that’s $700,000 in debt to being the CEO of the fastest-growing company in the industry. And everywhere you go, people say “Wow, that’s Orville Thompson.” I don’t want to be different, and it’s a challenge. But I’m OK with that challenge.

      DSN: What’s been the most fun part of the job?
      Heidi: The relationships and friendships I’ve formed and the fun we have every day. It’s fun to get up every morning and come to work. It’s addicting. Everybody is just amazing here.
      Orville: Watching our vision come to life.

      DSN: What’s your proudest accomplishment?
      Heidi: Overcoming my fear of public speaking.
      Orville: Building Scentsy without debt or investors.

      DSN: What is your vision for Scentsy?
      Heidi: To keep growing. Orville is an eternal optimist. I’m a realist. He’ll say things like, “I can’t believe how fast we’re growing.” I say, “I hope as fast as we’ve grown up that we don’t fall off the mountain.”
      Orville: To be a shining example of goodness and opportunity inside and outside the industry.

      DSN: Is there one basic principle that governs your leadership at Scentsy?
      Heidi: Family. We have a family-friendly company. I feel that we’ve truly made it that. Employees are family. The field is family. I hope that any one of them could call me and talk to me. I’m like a sister or a mom. And I hope we’re building a company that allows them to spend more time with their families.
      Orville: Contribute more than you take.

      DSN: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
      Heidi: Your spouse is your best partner. Orville and I learned that together.
      Orville: Your wife should be your only business partner. Becoming one with Heidi in business as well as in life allowed Scentsy to happen.

      DSN: Which other direct selling company or person do you admire the most and why?
      Heidi: Tastefully Simple and Jill Blashack Strahan. She’s someone who can make anybody feel special. She spent time talking with me. It was just a little conversation, but, still, it meant a lot. She has invited us to visit and tour their facility. When we started building Scentsy, I remember looking at Tastefully Simple and the culture they had built and admiring that.
      Orville: I admire Doris Christopher. The people I admire are the ones who did new things, who contributed more to the industry than they took from it. Someone who takes someone else’s ideas and products and creates another business around it—I don’t have a lot of respect for them. But I have deep respect for people who have a new idea, make something of it, and contribute by being an example and innovating. I admire Doris Christopher for the way she built and ran Pampered Chef. It was both innovative and new, and it breathed life into the industry.

      : What do you see as our industry’s greatest challenge?
      Heidi: The lack of innovation. There are so many ideas out there, and I sometimes feel that too many are focused on others’ ideas. Why would you want to copy somebody else? Come up with your own cool, innovative business.
      Orville: Inauthenticity. Too much energy is wasted on trying to be something we’re not.

      DSN: What do you like to do for fun?

      Heidi: Scentsy is fun for me. But outside of Scentsy, I love to do genealogy—researching my family tree. Through learning about my family, I learned who I am.
      Orville: Raising sheep. They were my first entrepreneurial experience as a 9-year-old.

    • May 30, 2010 4:15 PM PDT
    • Hi

      i myself invested in this company around 2 years ago & i have enough information about the company & i can help you,

      any question is wellcomed .

    • May 25, 2010 2:59 PM PDT
    • I have tried the diet and energy gums both.  the diet gums tastes good but i am not a dieter.  The energy gums really works without the jitters.  You can get to thier web site through .  They will have sample blister packs out soon.

    • May 25, 2010 2:54 PM PDT
    • They are the real deal.  It is a startup, but the product is excellent!  You can give out a sample to people  and they can tell it works the first time they try it.  Not some snake oil or anything.  Check out the thier site  will get you there.  Give  it a couple of weeks and you will see big changes.  The executive team is pretty strong and KPMG big wig and an infomercial fitness guru. 

    • May 13, 2010 1:10 AM PDT
    • It's typical for new executives to puff up their bios when they are just starting out.  Especially in this business.

      Everyone has to start somewhere, and no one wants to put on their bio: "No prior experience. Wish me luck".

      Has anyone actually tried to product?